  • 规格:RCS认证
  • 发货地:广东中山市
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1套
  • 免费会员











      The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) is an international, voluntary, full product standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of Recycled input and chain of custody. The goal of the RCS is to increase use of Recycled materials.

      回收含量声明标准(RCS)是一项国际、自愿和全面的产品标准,规定了回收内容和产销监管链的第三方认证要求。RCS 的目标是增加产品中回收材料的使用。

      The objectives of the RCS are:

      RCS 的目标是:

      ? Alignment of definitions across multiple applications.

      ? 统一多种应用的定义。

      ? Track and trace Recycled input materials.

      ? 追溯可回收投入材料。

      ? Provide customers (both brands and consumers) with a tool to make informed decisions.

      ? 为客户(品牌商和消费者)提供一个做出明智决定的工具。

      ? Provide assurance that materials in the final product are actually Recycled and processed more sustainably.

      ? 确保最终产品中的材料更加可持续性的回收利用和处理。

      The Recycled Claim Standard is intended for use with any product that contains at least 5% Recycled Material. Each stage of production is required to be certified, beginning at the recycling stage and ending at the last seller in the final business-to-business transaction. Material Collection and Material Concentration sites are subject to self-declaration, document collection, and on-site visits.

      回收含量声明标准适用于任何至少含有 5%回收材料的产品。从回收阶段开始,每个生产阶段都必须经过认证,并最终在企业对企业交易中结束于最后的卖方。材料收集和材料集中地点需要经过自我声明、文件收集和现场访问。

      The RCS does not address social or environmental aspects of processing and manufacturing, quality or legal compliance.

      RCS 不解决加工及制造环节中所涉及的社会责任和环境方面要求和质量或合法性问题。

      The RCS uses the ISO 14021 definition of Recycled Content, with interpretations based on the US Federal Trade Commission Green Guides; the intention is to comply with the most widely recognized and stringent definitions.

      RCS 采用了 ISO 14021 回收含量定义,基于美国联邦贸易委员会绿色指南的解释;旨在遵守最广泛认可和严格的定义。

      Section A – General Information

      A 部分 - 基本信息

      A1 – Definitions

      A1 - 定义

      The Content Claim Standard has a complete set of the terms used in TE standards. The following are specific to the RCS, and are important in defining the verification requirements for the input materials for recycling:

      内容声明标准中包含一套完整的纺织品交易所标准术语。以下内容特定于 RCS,在定义回收投入材料的验证要求方面非常重要:

      Material Collection


      Material Collection refers to the point in the recycling lifecycle when a Reclaimed Material is collected after its original use has ended (i.e.: it would have otherwise gone into the waste stream).


      Entities involved in Material Collection may include, but are not limited to:


      ? Individuals who collect Post-Consumer Materials for sale to brokers

      ? 收集售给中间商的消费后材料的个人

      ? Government organizations (e.g.: municipalities) that offer curbside recycling or operate transfer stations

      ? 提供路边回收或经营转运站的政府机构(例如:市政府)

      ? Brokers that purchase Pre/Post-Consumer Material from individuals, municipalities, or commercial operations for re-sale

      ? 从个人、市政或商业企业处购买消费前/后材料用以转售的中间商

      ? Commercial operations that collect their own Pre-Consumer Material from

      manufacturing operations

      ? 从制造业处收集消费前材料的商业经营单位

      ? Commercial operations that collect Post-Consumer Material (e.g.: retail stores)

      ? 收集消费后材料的商业经营单位(例如:零售店)

      Material Concentration


      Material Concentration refers to the point in the recycling lifecycle when a waste material receives primary handling. This may include, but is not limited to, sorting, screening, basic contaminant removal, or baling. Material is still unprocessed at this stage, meaning it has not been physically or chemically altered beyond basic handling (e.g.: screening, crushing, or washing).


      Material Recycling


      Material Recycling refers to the point in the recycling lifecycle when a Reclaimed Material is processed into a Recycled Material.


      Post-Consumer Material


      Material generated by households or by commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the product that can no longer be used for its intended purpose. This includes returns of materials from the distribution chain.


      Pre-Consumer Material


      Material diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process. Excluded is the reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind or scrap generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated it.


      Reclaimed Material


      Material that would have otherwise been disposed of as waste or used for energy recovery, but has instead been collected and reclaimed as a material input, in lieu of new primary material, for a recycling process.


      Recycled Content


      Proportion, by mass, of Recycled Material in products or packaging. Only Pre-Consumer andPost-Consumer Materials shall be considered as Recycled Content.


      Recycled Material


      Material that has been reprocessed from Reclaimed Material by means of a manufacturing process and made into a final product or into a component for incorporation into a product.


      A3 – RCS 认证的原则

      A3.1 Scope

      A3.1 范围

      A3.1a The Standard applies to products that contain 5% or more Recycled Content. Some exceptions may apply, see Textile Exchange Accreditation and Certification Procedures for the derogation process.

      A3.1a 本标准适用于回收含量达到 5%或更多的产品。某些例外可能适用,请查阅纺织品交易所评审和认证程序获取让步处理信息。

      A3.1b The Standard applies to any verified Recycled Material and may apply to any supply chain.

      A3.1b 本标准适用于任何经过验证的回收材料,可适用于任何供应链。

      A3.2 Scope

      A3.2 范围

      A3.2a The Standard provides verification of chain of custody for Recycled Material, in accordance with the Content Claim Standard.

      A3.2a 本标准按照“含量声明标准”对回收材料的监管链进行了验证。

      A3.2b The Standard includes consumer-facing labeling; only products that have been certified up to the seller in the last business-to-business transaction are eligible. See RCS logo Use and Claim Guide for labeling guidelines.

      A3.2b 本标准包括面向消费者的标签;只有在最后一次企业对企业交易中已被卖方认证的产品才符合资格。标签使用指导请参考 RCS 商标使用和指导手册。

      A4 – Recycled Material Requirements

      A4 – 回收材料要求

      Claimed Material accepted for the standard meets the established definition of Recycled Material.


      Certification to the RCS is required for entities involved in Material Recycling. To summarize:

      RCS 认证涉及材料回收处理单位。要求归纳如下:

      ? Reclaimed Material suppliers should submit below required documentation to their

      customers. Reclaimed Material suppliers may be subject to further inspection, as mentioned in the Reclaimed Material Supplier Agreement, Appendix B.

      ? 回收材料供应商应向客户提交以下所需文件。回收材料供应商可能会进一步检查,如

      “回收材料供应商协议”附录 B 所述。

      ? Material Recycling: full RCS certification; transaction certificates

      ? 材料回收:完整 RCS 认证;交易证书

      ? Production and Trading: full RCS certification, with exceptions for subcontractors and low volume traders; transaction certificates.

      ? 生产和贸易:完整 RCS 认证,分包商和低批量交易者除外;交易证书。

      A4.1 Material Recycling

      A4.1 材料回收

      A4.1a Entities involved in Material Recycling (as defined in A1) are subject to RCS certification. The RCS requires compliance with the requirements of the Content Claim Standard, whereby the Claimed Material’ is replaced with ‘Recycled Material’ as defined in section A1.

      A4.1a 涉及材料回收的实体(按 A1 定义)须遵守 RCS 认证。RCS 要求遵守含量声明标准的要求,“声明的材料”被替换为 A1 部分定义的“回收材料”。

      A4.1b In addition, entities involved in Material Recycling shall:

      A4.1b 此外,参与材料回收的实体应:

      i. Verify that all sources of Reclaimed Material have legal authorization to operate for the relevant function, and hold copies of the relevant documents.

      i. 验证回收材料的所有来源是否具有相关功能的合法授权,并保存相关文件的副本。

      ii. Hold valid Reclaimed Material Supplier Agreements (see Appendix B) for all suppliers of Reclaimed Material (entities involved in Material Collection and/or Material Concentration).

      ii. 所有回收材料供应商(涉及材料收集和/或材料集中的实体)持有有效的回收材料供

      应商协议(见附录 B)。

      iii. Collect and retain completed Reclaimed Material Declaration Forms (see Appendix C) from their suppliers for all Reclaimed Material inputs. The Reclaimed Material

      Declaration Forms shall be collected at least annually or if the Reclaimed Material source changes.

      iii. 收集并保留所有回收材料投入的完整回收材料申报表(见附录 C)。回收材料申报表


      iv. Inspect all incoming shipments of Reclaimed Material to confirm that they are not virgin material; confirm the correct identification as Pre- or Post-Consumer. Retain records of inspections.

      iv. 检查回收材料的所有进货,以确认它们不是原始材料;确认是否正确识别了消费前或


      v. Request Transaction Certificates for all outgoing RCS certified products.

      v. 为所有出货的 RCS 认证产品申请交易证书。

      A4.1c Material Recyclers who collect Reclaimed Material from their own processing shall retain the following records to verify their volume of recycling:

      A4.1c 从自己的处理过程中收集回收材料的材料回收商,应保留以下记录以验证其回收量:

      vi. Records of all materials entering the recycling process.

      vi. 进入回收过程的所有材料的记录。

      vii. Description of Reclaimed Material and the stage where the waste was collected.

      vii. 回收材料的描述和废物被收集的阶段。

      viii. Any other relevant transfer notes.

      viii. 任何其他相关转让PIAOJU。

      ix. Reclaimed Material Declaration Forms may be used in lieu of the records listed above (see Appendix C).

      ix. 回收材料申报表可代替上述记录(见附录 C)。
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