This document, the Zero Plastic Oceans, Ocean Bound Plastic and Ocean Bound Plastic Neutral trademarks and certification stamps are protected by Copyright laws. All rights are reserved to Zero Plastic Oceans organization and no reproduction of this material is allowed without previous written consent by Zero Plastic Oceans. Disclaimer
This document has been developed by the authors with all possible care and best of intentions, however Zero Plastic Oceans and any third parties involved in the creation of this document hereby state that the document is provided without warranty, either expressed or implied, of accuracy or fitness for purpose, and hereby disclaim any liability, direct or indirect, for damages or loss relating to the use of this document. Revisions and Updates
This Standard has been revised substantially because of the changes made in the ZPO Initiative model. These changes however did not affect the requirements related to OBP Recycling subprogram and only minor improvements have been made to these requirements. If deemed necessary, a further revision will be made and published before the first anniversary of the Standard (8th of June 2021). The next following revision will be published on 8th of September 2022. Please send any comment you have regarding the
Standard to contact(at)
这个文件,零塑料海洋,海洋塑料和海洋塑料中性商标和认证印章受版权法保护。所有权利是保留给零塑料海洋组织和没有复制这种材料未经Zero Plastic Oceans事先书面同意允许。