Traditional reactive power compensation equipment with electromechanical contactors, has a well proven performance in installations where the load has, slow variations and it is not very sensitive to voltage fluctuations. Today, however, more and more industrial installations include electronic equipment very sensitive to voltage variations (PLC, computers, etc.) and also very fast changing working cycles (automatic welding machines, robots, etc.).
Reactive power compensation with static contactors offers the best answer to these new industry requirements.
LIFASA automatic capacitor banks with static contactors, use thyristors instead oftraditional contactors. The thyristors switch-on capacitors on zero crossing voltage, and switch them off on zero current situation. This firing strategy grants a totally transient free switching of power capacitors, avoiding any problem with transient overvoltages.
This transient free switching gives a very fast reaction time of the power factor equipment with sudden reactive power demand variations. This reaction time (the time to switch on or off a capacitor step) is usually not higher than 20 milliseconds. This means that up to 25 operations per second are possible.
LIFASA automatic capacitor banks with static contactors are supplied completely assembled and ready for use: it is only necessary to give them the operation signal from a suitable current transformer, and to connect them to the mains by cables of adequated section. They are composed of the following elements:
Reactive power Controller
These banks use the MCE-F controllers, that are a fast response variation of the MCE series of controllers. These controllers are specially designed for the control of thyristor capacitor banks and are characterized by their optically isolated outputs and also for having an extremely fast response time that can be up to 20 milliseconds.
Control Module
It is formed by an electronic control circuit, that gives the firing pulses to the thyristors to switch on at zero voltage point and to switch off at zero current situation.
The control module is assembled on a printed circuit board and receives the action signal from the MCE controller.
Power Module
It is formed by three pairs of thyristors in anti-parallel connection, mounted and assembled on well dimensioned heat sinks, protection fuses and limiting inductances.
These banks use the six terminal versions of FMLS and FMBS series of power capacitors.
Technical Characteristics
Tensiones nominales*/Rated voltages*…………440 V
Frecuencia nominal/Rated frequency…………50 Hz/60 Hz
Potencia nominal/Rated power…………7.5 ... 960 kvar
Pérdidas dielétrica/Dielectric losses…………< 0.2 W/kvar
Pérdidas en condensadores/Capacitors losses…………< 0.5 W/kvar
Sobretensión máxima/Max. overvoltage…………1.1 Un (8h/dia/day)
Sobreintensidad máxima/Max. avercurrent…………1.3 In
Reguladores/Controllers…………MCE-12 F
Retardo de conexión/Switching on delay…………20 ms (típico)/ (typical)
Programas de trabajo/Working programs…………1:1:1:1: , 1:2:2:2: y/and 1:2:4:4:
Transformador de corriente/Current transformar…………/5A opcional/optional
Gama climatica/Temperature range…………-25/+45oC max. temp.
Grado de protección/Protection degree…………IP 31
Normas/Standards…………IEC 60831, EN 60861, IEC 60439, EN 60439
Protection filters
Protection filters are used, in supply networks having a high level of harmonic distortion, when the final objective is reactive power compensation at the fundamental frequency.
Their purpose is to avoid that harmonic currents overload the capacitors by diverting them to the mains. Protection filters are made by connecting reactors in series with capacitors,
in such a way that the tuning frequency of the whole unit is set at a value between the fundamental frequency and the frequency of the lowest present harmonic, which is usually
the 5th order harmonic. In this the filter has a high inductive impedance for all the harmonic frequencies.
Connection of a reactor in series with a power capacitor, makes the capacitor to work at a voltage higher than the supply voltage. Because of this, capacitors to be connected to protection reactors, need to be designed to work at higher voltages than standard capacitors. The choice of the tuning point of the filter is a balance between the quantity of harmonics rejected by the filter and the voltage increase produced in the capacitor at the fundamental frequency.
It has to be also kept in mind that reactive power supplied by the filter at rated frequency (50 or 60 Hz), is different to the one that the capacitor would supply without the reactor.
Taking all the above into account, the reactor is normally chosen in such a way that its impedance is about 7% the impedance of the capacitor that protects. This will give a tuning
frequency, for example at 50 Hz, of 189 Hz. Other tuning frequencies are also available.
INRS40057 INRS40307 INRS40107 INAS40407 INRS40157 INAS40507 INRS40207 INAS40607 INRS40257 INAS40807
西班牙LIFASA公司自1949年起生产高品质电容等产品,在高级酒店和大厦用电容领域占据绝对优势,超过50%的产品出口到其他世界各地,产品畅销五大洲七十多个国家。产品质量符合ISO 9000标准。产品包括:马达启动电容、高压电力电容器、照明电容器、电容器组、附接触器无功补偿电容、滤波阻抗电容、铝电解电容器、高频旁路电容器、高频耦合电容器、陶瓷电容器、调谐电容器、聚苯乙烯电容器、塑料薄膜电容器、吸收过滤器…
西班牙LIFASA产品符合国际电工委员会推荐标准IEC831-1及IEC831-2《额定电压660V及以下交流系统用自愈式并联电力电容器》。 LIFASA电容器系适用于工频50Hz或60Hz、额定电压1000V及以下的交流电力系统中与负载并联,以提高系统的功率因数。该电容器以金属化聚丙烯薄膜作电极和介质,因而产品具有自愈性能,并同时具有重量轻、体积小、损耗低等优点。而且电容器内部装有过压力保护装置、过电流保护器和放电电阻,有很高的可靠性和安全性。 西班牙LIFASA电容器采用独特设计的自愈式金属化薄膜,大大增强了电容器元件的端面接合力和高耐压的要求,从而提高了电容器的抗涌流性能和可靠性;减少了投入电容器瞬间对元件的电流冲击,从而有效延长电容器的使用寿命。
1. 螺栓出线方式,保证了接线的可靠稳定,满足大容量、大电流的要求;
2. 安全可靠的美式过压力防爆结构,内置式放电电阻,使得产品更安全,更可靠;
3. 长寿命、多元件设计,增加散热面积,使电容器的温升更低,延长电容器的使用寿命,平均寿命达到100,000小时;
4. 电容器元件用金属化薄膜采用特别的方阻设计,既有很高的自愈性能,又满足了高可靠性的接触和高耐压的要求;
5. 安全有效的防护措施,免除对人体的伤害;
6. 方便可靠的安装方式,提高了工作效率;
7. 优质圆柱形铝外壳,美观漂亮,更小的体积,使得单柜的容量更大。工业产品的设计家电化,提升成品形象,为客户创造最大价值。
8. 产品符合IEC831-1,IEC831-2国际标准和GB/T12747-2004国家标准的要求。
More than 60 years of history
International Capacitors S.A. is a consolidated company in both Spanish and international markets thanks to many years of experience and dedication to what it has been its product par excellence along its history: the capacitor for the electrical installation. With its commercial brand name LIFASA, present in the market for more than 60 years and a constant technical and technological evolution, it has succeeded in getting adapted continuously to the progress and market requirements nowadays.
LIFASA capacitors are present in the market since 1949. More than 50 % are exported to 70 countries in five continents. Capacitors are manufactured according to European and other International Standards. They have obtained large number of certificates and approvals.
International Capacitors S.A.(西班牙国际电容器公司)作为一家综合型公司,得益于多年的经验和奉献精神,凭借着公司发展历史中引以为豪的电气安装系统中的电容器产品,为西班牙国内和国际市场提供了大量卓越的电容器产品。借助超过60年历史的商业品牌LIFASA和持续的科技发展,现在它已经成功地得到持续的增长和适应市场的需求。
Highest quality standards
International Capacitors S.A. has been from its beginnings a pioneering company in the promotion of the quality of its products. Since 1987, it maintains an ISO9000 Quality System periodically audited by international bodies.
At present, it has quintuple certification ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004, OSHAS 18001:2007, IEC QC 080000-RoHS and REACH, that guarantees the highest quality standards in its products, while they are manufactured in a way both environmentally friendly and safe and healthy for its workers. It also has energy efficiency certification ISO 50001:2011
All products included in this catalogue fully comply with the requirements of RoHS Directive.
International Capacitors S.A.(西班牙国际电容器公司)早已不是一个依赖提升其产品质量的初创公司。自1987年以来,一直获得国际组织认可的ISO9000质量体系认证。
目前,公司拥有五项权威认证:ISO9001:2008、ISO14001:2004、OSHAS 18001:2007,IEC QC 080000 RoHS和REACH,以确保产品的最高质量标准。与此同时他们为生产者营造一个既环保又安全健康的工作环境。它还具有节能认证 50001:2011。
Comprehensive services
The company is commited to give the best service with maximum flexibility to meet customer requirements.
Economical and technical advices.
Support in installation and commissioning.
Permanent support during the whole life of our products.
Trainig on site and in factory.
International warranty.
Every person in the company is trained and motivated to participate actively in achieving this objective.
电力电容器Power capacitors
ELEFP单相圆柱形电容器Cylindrical capacitor
POLT三相圆柱形电容器Cylindrical capacitor
POLB三相圆柱形电容器Cylindrical capacitor
FMLI单相铝电解电容器Pricsmatic capacitor
FML标准型铝电解电容器Standard capacitor
FML(R460)加强型铝电解电容器Reinforced capacitor
MFB三相紧凑型电容器Compact prismatic capacitor
FMLS六线电容器6-terminals prismatic capacitor
CPF带熔断器的电容器Capacitor with fuses
CPM带断路器的电容器Capacitor with breaker
CAB带熔断器和接触器电容器Capacitor with fuse and contactor
谐波滤波器Harmonic filters
HBF-T第三谐波滤波器Third harmonic filter
TFA第三谐波隔离滤波器Third harmonic isolation
HAF吸收滤光器Absorption filter
HPF高通滤波器High pass filter
SINAF 2.0有源滤波器Active filter
新型电容器式接触器KML系列Contactor for Capacitors
电容器柜Automatic Banks
BATM080 Automatic Banks
BATLV180 Automatic Banks
BATLV360 Automatic Banks
BATLV400 Automatic Banks
BATLV480 Automatic Banks
BATLV800 Automatic Banks
BATLV1200 Automatic Banks
BATLV1600 Automatic Banks
防护滤波器Protection filters
INA/INR标准电容器柜电抗器(Reactor for standard capacitor bank)
INAS/INRS静态电容器柜电抗器(Reactor for static bank)
FMLF谐波保护电容器Capacitor for harmonic protection
FMLS静态滤波电容器Capacitor for static filter
无功功率控制器Reactive power controllers
MCE ADV标准控制器Standard controller
MCE-F PLUS静态柜控制器(Controller static bank)
附件Accessories and auxiliary
TCP电流互感器Current transformer with split-core
MC电容接触器Contator for capacitor
CTF-CTB静态开关模块Static switching module
MCA PLUS网络分析仪Network analyser