现货热卖中心  重庆合川图尔克光栅
现货热卖中心 重庆合川图尔克光栅
  • 规格:完善
  • 发货地:重庆
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1件
  • 免费会员









      重庆优畅机电设备有限公司是一家多年从事大型系统(DCS)备件Foxboro,Ovation, Motorola MVME,HP,Honeywell,Yaskawa, AB,Woodward, Xycom,Network Appliance,Nokin,ABB,Fanuc,Siemens等进口自动化系统备件销售及系统集成的高新技术企业,在公司全体员工的努力及广大客户和业界同仁支持之下,公司业务迅速拓展,业务范围遍及华东、华南、华北、西南等全国各地,迅速成为自动化行业的后起之秀,公司以“为客户创造价值是我们永远追求的目标”为宗旨,本着“质量保证,诚信服务,及时到位”的做事态度长期以往的服务于每一位新老客户。在此,感谢新老客户的长期支持,因为您的关注我们将更加专注。


      l FOXOBORO(福克斯波罗) I/A:AW51B,P0400YC FBM02,P0400YV FBM18,P0400ZE FBM04,P0914WM FBM241C,FBM217 P0914TR,FBM242 P0916TA,CP40B P0961BC,FBM44 P0950BN等。

      l TRICONEX系列 3503E 3805E 3604E等

      l Westinghouse(西屋):OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。

      l ALSOM MOTOROLA MVME系列:MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。

      l HP(惠普):工作站、服务器、HP 9000 工作站、HP 75000 系列备件、HP VXI 测试设备。

      l Honeywell(霍尼韦尔):Honeywell 620系,DCS系统备件模件、HONEYWELL TDC系列, QCS,S9000等备件。

      l Yaskawa(安川):伺服控制器、伺服马达、伺服驱动器Allen Bradley(罗克韦尔): 1785、1756、1747、1784、2094、2098、1394C、1336F、1745等系例、Reliance机电等产品。

      l 。NETWORK APPLIANCE:数据储存模块。

      l Woodward(伍德沃德):SPC阀位控制器、PEAK150数字控制器。

      l Schneider(施耐德):MODICON 140系例、Quantum内存卡、Quantum电源模块、AS系列等。

      l XYCOM:XVME-103、XVME-690、VME总线等备件。

      l SIEMENS(西门子):Siemens TI 5系列开,Siemens Moore APACS,Siemens Iskamatic,Siemens Simatic S5,Siemens Simatic C1,6DD 6SC 6SN 6FC 6GK 6FX S5系列,数控系统等。

      l Bosch Rexroth(力士乐):电子传动与控制,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动器,Rexroth Indramat:特殊产品等。

      l GE IC647/693/697/698系列。贝加莱(B&R):PLC

      l 如果您需要,我们能够解决您的缺损部分或交换。给我一跟火柴,我能让世界从此绽放光彩。

      小姜 (销售总监)

        LAG 9024603 MC13-241EX0-T/24VDC 9 13.11.2000 9023605 MC13-241AEX0-T/24VDC
        1 LAG 90255 MC13-241EX0-T/24VDC/S276 13 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 GVA 9024601 MC13-241EX0-T/24VDC/S276_C19 0 28.04.1993 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 9028202 MC13-41EX0-RP/24VDC 0 17.05.1993 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 9040250 MC31-121EX0-LRP/24VDC 2 24.03.1993 9043016 MC31-144Ex0-LRP/24VDC
        1 LAG 9040251 MC31-121EX0-LRP/C24 7 20.04.1993 9043016 MC31-144Ex0-LRP/24VDC
        1 LAG 9040500 MC33-121EX0-LRP/ 5 16.09.1993 9043015 MC33-144EX0-LRP/
        1 GPM 9040602 MC33-12EX0-LRP/24VDC 4 15.12.1997 9043015 MC33-144Ex0-LPR/24VDC
        1 LAG 9051902 MC41-31-R/24VDC/ 10 30.09.1992 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 LAG 9056600 MC43-221-RP/24VDC 6 12.08.1992 no replacement MC43-266-RP/24VDC
        1 GVA 90734 MC72-42EX-T/24VDC 3 12.11.1990 9071401 MC72-44EX-T/24VDC
        1 LAG 90790 MC73-48-R/24VUC 16 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 LAG 90793 MC73-881-R/24VUC 27 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 LAG 90792 MC73-88-R/24VUC 17 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 LAG 90802 MC73-88-T/24VDC 20 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 9089201 MC82-SSi 0 30.09.1992 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 LAG 90894 MC83-4SI 25 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 9909602 MC-IM-232 1 14.10.1992 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 LAG 7540000 MK1-11-R/230VAC 14 04.06.1996 7541241 MK13-11AEX0-R/230VAC oder IMS Relais
        1 GVA 7540020 MK1-22-R/230VAC 0 04.06.1996 7541249 MK13-22AEX0-R/230VAC oder 2x IMS Relais
        1 LAG 7540027 MK1-22-R/24VUC 12 04.06.1996 7541250 MK13-22AEX0-R/24VDC
        1 LAG 7541102 MK13-11EX0-R/115VAC 19 04.06.1996 7541240 MK13-11AEX0-R/115VAC
        1 LAG 7541100 MK13-11EX0-R/230VAC 26 04.06.1996 7541241 MK13-11AEX0-R/230VAC
        1 GVA 7542102 MK13-11EX0-T/115VAC 0 12.02.1998 7541227 IM1-12Ex-T
        1 GVA 7542100 MK13-11EX0-T/230VAC 0 20.11.1996 7541227 IM1-12Ex-T
        1 GVA 7542107 MK13-11EX0-T/24VDC 4 16.07.1996 7541227 IM1-12Ex-T
        1 GVA 7541162 MK13-121EX0-R/115VA 0 04.06.1996 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 GVA 7541160 MK13-121EX0-R/230VAC 0 04.06.1996 7541229 IM1-121Ex-R oder IM1-231Ex-R mit Wechslerrelais
        1 LAG 7541167 MK13-121EX0-R/24VDC 15 16.07.1996 7541244 MK13-121AEX0-R/24VDC
        1 LAG 7542260 MK13-121EX0-T/230VAC 16 16.07.1996 7541230 IM1-121Ex-T

        GVA 7542267 MK13-121EX0-T/24VDC 0 16.07.1996 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 LAG 7542500 MK13-12EX0-DZ/230VAC 28 02.09.1997 7541228 IM1-12EX-MT
        1 GVA 7541112 MK13-12EX0-R/115VAC 0 16.07.1996 7541245 MK13-12AEX0-R/115VAC
        1 LAG 7541110 MK13-12EX0-R/230VAC 173 16.07.1996 7541226 IM1-12Ex-R oder MK13-12AEX0R/230VAC mit Wechsler
        1 LAG 7541117 MK13-12EX0-R/24VDC 81 16.07.1996 7541226 IM1-12Ex-R oder MK13-12AEX0R/24VDC mit Wechsler
        1 GVA 7541152 MK13-12EX0-T/115VAC 0 16.07.1996 7541227 IM1-12Ex-T
        1 GVA 7541150 MK13-12EX0-T/230VAC 0 16.07.1996 7541227 IM1-12Ex-T
        1 LAG 7541157 MK13-12EX0-T/24VDC 98 16.07.1996 7541227 IM1-12Ex-T
        1 LAG 7541202 MK13-222EX0-R/115VAC 47 12.11.1997 7541231 IM1-22Ex-R
        1 LAG 7541200 MK13-222EX0-R/230VAC 264 12.11.1997 7541211 IM1-22Ex-R/230VAC
        1 LAG 7541207 MK13-222EX0-R/24VDC 303 12.11.1997 7541210 IM1-22Ex-R/24VDC
        1 LAG 7541122 MK13-22EX0-R/115VAC 6 04.06.1996 7541248 MK13-22AEX0-R/115VAC
        1 LAG 7541120 MK13-22EX0-R/230VAC 132 04.06.1996 7541231 IM1-22Ex-R oder MK13-22AEX0-R/230VAC mit Wechsler
        1 LAG 7541127 MK13-22EX0-R/24VDC 136 16.07.1996 7541231 IM1-22Ex-R oder MK13-22AEX0-R/24VDC mit Wechsler
        1 GVA 7542122 MK13-22EX0-T/115VAC 0 16.07.1996 7541232 IM1-22Ex-T
        1 GVA 7542120 MK13-22EX0-T/230VAC 0 16.07.1996 7541232 IM1-22Ex-T
        1 LAG 7542127 MK13-22EX0-T/24VDC 100 16.07.1996 7541232 IM1-22Ex-T
        1 GVA 75022 MK15-RPN-EX0/24VDC/ 1 12.11.1990 7541315 MK15-12EX0-PN/24VDC/
        1 GPM 7543054 MK21-122EX0-R 0 09.07.2001 7505651 IM21-14EX-CDTRI
        1 GPM 7543053 MK21-122EX0-RI 0 09.07.2001 7505651 IM21-14EX-CDTRI
        1 LAG 7543055 MK21-122-R 14 09.07.2001 7505650 IM21-14-CDTRI
        1 LAG 7543056 MK21-122-RI 14 09.07.2001 7505650 IM21-14-CDTRI
        1 GVA 7506015 MK31-112EX0-LI/24VDC 0 04.06.1996 7506320 IM31-11Ex-i
        1 LAG 7506215 MK31-112EX0-LU/24VDC 13 04.06.1996 7506320 IM31-11Ex-i + IMS-AI-Li-Di/24VDC
        1 LAG 7506104 MK31-112-LI/24VDC 19 05.07.1996 7504006 IMS-Ai-Li-Du/24VDC
        1 LAG 7506016 MK31-113EX0-LI/24VDC 5 06.02.1998 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 GVA 7506220 MK31-114EX0-LU/24VDC 0 17.11.1997 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 LAG 7506017 MK31-115EX0-LI/24VDC 11 06.02.1998 7506327 IM31-11Ex-U
        1 LAG 7506020 MK31-116EX0-LI/24VDC 9 03.06.1998 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 LAG 7506415 MK33-111EX0-HLI/ 8 19.09.2000 7506440 IM33-11EX-HI/24VDC
        GVA 7506411 MK33-11EX-HLI/24VDC 0 13.09.1996 7506440 IM33-11EX-HI/24VDC
        1 GVA 7506432 MK33-221EX0-HLI/ 0 16.10.2000 7506441 IM33-22EX-HI/24VDC
        1 GVA 7506400 MK33-LI-EX0/24VDC 250 10.03.1993 7506402 MK33-11EX0-LI/24VDC
        1 LAG 7506610 MK34-11EX0-LI/24VDC 6 24.02.1999 7506630 IM34-11Ex-i
        1 GVA 7509510 MK36-11EX0-LI/24VDC 0 06.07.1998 7509525 IM36-11EX-I/24VDC
        1 GVA 7506900 MK43-111-R/230VAC 2 12.03.1998 7540040 IM43-13-R
        1 GVA 7523001 MK70-12/24VDC 0 04.05.1998 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 7515302 MK71-T12-60VDC/ 0 08.03.1995 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 75087 MK71-Z03 4 12.11.1990 follows IMS-Mosfet
        1 LAG 7507205 MK72-S02-EX/24VDC 26 06.02.1996 7520703 IM72-11Ex/L
        1 LAG 7507300 MK72-S03-EX/24VDC 22 09.01.1996 7520703 IM72-11Ex/L
        1 LAG 7507305 MK72-S04-EX/24VDC 7 09.01.1996 7520703 IM72-11Ex/L
        1 LAG 7507315 MK72-S06-EX/24VDC 23 09.01.1996 7520703 IM72-11Ex/L
        1 LAG 7507325 MK72-S08-EX/24VDC 27 09.01.1996 7520703 IM72-11Ex/L
        1 LAG 7507335 MK72-S15-EX0/24VDC 13 23.09.1999 7520703 IM72-11Ex/L
        1 GVA 7507336 MK72-S16-EX0/24VDC 0 23.09.1999 7520703 IM72-11Ex/L
        1 LAG 7507340 MK72-S20-EX0/24VDC 13 23.09.1999 7520703 IM72-11Ex/L
        1 LAG 7521001 MK73-R111-EX0/24VUC 21 16.06.1994 7520512 IM73-11Ex-R/24VUC
        1 LAG 7521002 MK73-R222-EX0/24VUC 17 16.06.1994 7520513 IM73-22Ex-R/24VUC
        1 LAG 7530128 MK73-T22A/230VAC 13 21.10.1994 follows 2x IMS-Opto
        1 LAG 7530102 MK73-T22E/12VDC 12 21.10.1994 follows 1 x IMS-opto
        1 LAG 7530104 MK73-T22E/24VDC 31 21.10.1994 follows 2 x IMS-opto
        1 LAG 7530144 MK73-T44E/24VDC 7 21.10.1994 follows 4x IMS-Opto
        1 GVA 7545002 MK81-222-R/230VAC 3 14.12.1998 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 7545001 MK81-222-R/24VDC 0 11.12.1998 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 LAG 75220 MK83-U24 18 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 GVA 7545080 MK91-121-R/230VAC 4 29.08.1997 7545070 MK91-12-R/230VAC
        1 GVA 08165 ML 8/1 0 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 08160 ML 8/6 0 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 53121 MS1-22EX0-R/230VAC 0 12.11.1990 5312403 MS1-22EX0-R
        LAG 5420302 MS13-11EX0-T 10 15.10.2001 7541227 IM1-12Ex-T
        1 GVA 5433201 MS13-33EX0-T 0 15.10.2001 7541189 IM1-451EX-T
        1 LAG 5341106 MS21-12EX0-R 88 27.02.2003 7505651 IM21-14Ex-CDTRi
        1 LAG 0508012 MS22-RI/24VDC/M29 0 28.08.1996 no replacement Discontinued because of bad availability of components
        1 GVA 5341107 MS23-22EX0-R 3 27.02.2003 7505651 IM21-14Ex-CDTRi
        1 LAG 05310 MS31-LIU/230VAC 47 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 LAG 05317 MS31-LIU/24VDC 17 12.11.1990 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 LAG 5361101 MS41-12EX0-R 5 05.05.2003 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 7505637 TSV3-EX-R 0 15.11.2006 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        1 GVA 7505638 TSV5-EX-R 0 15.11.2006 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        2 GVA 9011101 MC16-42EX0-TP 122 04.12.2001 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        2 GVA 9040110 MC30-28-LI/24VDC 15 31.05.1994 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        2 GVA 9040502 MC33-121EX0-LRP/ 4 28.03.1995 9043015 MC33-144EX0-LRP/
        2 GVA 9071101 MC72-41EX-T/24VDC 0 29.10.1997 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        2 GVA 9077006 MC73-441EX0-R/24VDC 23 19.07.1993 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        2 GVA 7505210 MK13-UNF-EX0/24VDC 0 23.09.1996 7542113 MK13-NF-EX0/24VDC
        2 GVA 75052 MK13-UPF-EX0/24VDC 0 12.11.1990 7542112 MK13-PF-EX0/24VDC
        2 GVA 7505302 MK13-UR-EX0/115VAC 0 21.10.1994 7542123 MK13-R-EX0
        2 GVA 7505303 MK13-UR-EX0/230VAC 0 21.10.1994 7542123 MK13-R-EX0
        2 GVA 75053 MK13-UR-EX0/24VDC 0 12.11.1990 7542123 MK13-R-EX0
        2 GVA 75050 MK13-VP-EX0/24VDC 0 12.11.1990 7542116 MK13-P-EX0/24VDC
        2 GVA 7505001 MK13-VP-EX0/24VDC/ 0 09.09.1994 7542118 MK13-P-EX0/24VDC/K15
        2 GVA 7543501 MK26-22-R/230VAC 1 18.08.1997 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        2 GVA 7543503 MK26-22-R/24VDC 0 18.08.1997 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance
        2 GVA 7509520 MK36-11EX0-LU/24VDC 0 06.07.1998 7509529 IM36-11EX-U
        2 GVA 5445001 MS13-12EX0-T 0 15.10.2001 7541227 IM1-12EX-T
        2 GVA 0508512 MS28-R 0 02.01.2002 no replacement Discontinued because of economical performance

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