Tyco泰科  611H-F 现货供应 原装进口
Tyco泰科 611H-F 现货供应 原装进口
  • 规格:611H-F
  • 发货地:本地至全国
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1个
  • 免费会员









      Tyco泰科 是跨界集团公司优势产品之一,价格优势,原装进口,货期短,长期供应。欢迎来电咨询
      Ion-Chamber Smoke Detector
      516.020.003 Ionisation Chamber Detector - Intrinsically Safe
      High Performance Optical Detector. MR301T,MR501T
      Optical Smoke. MR301, MR501
      Infra-Red Flame: MS302 Ex, MS502 Ex
      Heat. MD301, MD501

      Fireclass 611H-F Conventional 60 Celsius Fixed Temperature Heat Detector

      Heat detectors offer an acceptable, but less sensitive alternative to smoke detectors if environmental conditions rule out their use. The 601H-R (rate-of-rise), 601H-F, 611H-F and 631H-F (fixed temperature) detectors detect abnormally high rates of rise of temperature and abnormally high (static) temperatures respectively. For use particularly where the ambient temperature may be low, a rate-of-rise heat detector 601H-R is to be preferred.

      A fixed temperature limit is also incorporated in these detectors. In many environments, e.g. galleys, canteens, pantries and laundries, sudden large changes in temperature are considered normal therefore rate-of -rise detectors are generally not suitable in these cases and a slower response fixed temperature 601H-F, 611H-F or 631H-F detector should be used.

      1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : The 611H-F and 631H-F are Conventional Heat Detectors forming part of the 600 Series. 1.1 - Main Characteristics of the 611H-F Detector: 611H-F Conventional Fixed Temperature Heat Detector. Principle: Detector using a Fixed Resistor and a Thermistor Static Temperature: 54 °C to 65 °C Operating Voltage (DC): Min: 10.5V, Typ: 24V, Max: 33V Class: A1S Ingress Protection: IP 20 (IP 55 with DHM-5B Deckhead Mounting) Detector Base: MUB Base, 5B 5" Universal Base or 5BD 5" Conventional Continuity Base 1.2 - Main Characteristics of the 631H-F Detector: 631H-F Conventional Fixed Temperature Heat Detector. Principle: Detector using a Fixed Resistor and a Thermistor Static Temperature: 84°C to 100°C Operating Voltage (DC): Min: 10.5V, Typ: 24V, Max: 33V Classification: CS Ingress Protection: IP 20 (IP 55 with DHM-5B Deckhead Mounting) Detector Base: MUB Base, 5B 5" Universal Base or 5BD 5" Conventional Continuity Base 2. DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS : Tyco Safety Products: Data Sheets: Product Application and Design Information, Series 600, Ref. 01C-02-D5, Issue 3 dated 01/09 5B5" Universal Detector Base, Installation Instructions, Ref. 01C-02-I1, Issue 2 dated 3/05 CL 516-600-214: Components List for 611H-F 60°C Fixed Temperature Detector, Issue 1 dated 19.05.08 CL 516-600-033: Components List for 631H-F 90°C Fixed Temperature Heat Detector, Issue 1, dated 19.05.08 Drawings: 516-600-214, Issue 2 dated 19.05.08 516-600-033, Issue 2 dated 15.01.09 120-347-175, Issue I, dated 07.11.00 120-347-428, Issue 2, dated 07.05.03 121-013-001, Issue I, dated 15.09.00 121-003-199, Issue I, dated 18.07.95 121-003-320, Issue I, dated 21.03.00 121-003-324, Issue I, dated 29.06.99 121-003-325, Issue I, dated 04.12.00 121-003-336, Issue I, dated 07.02.00 125-585-960 and C125-585-960, both Issue 1, dated 15.01.08 125-165-470, Issue I, dated 08.01.03 including DL125-587-957/960 

  • 0571-87774297