Series 65 Standard Base , 45681-200apo?
effective Series 65 Standard Ionisation Smoke Detector s Part nos The voltage at the sensing illumination of the integral LED Ionisation detector
Construction Products?
Directive 89/106/EEC - EC Certificates of Conformity
Series 65离子感烟探测器(带闪灯和磁性测试开关) 55000-215 Series 65离子感烟探测器(带闪灯) 55000-216 Series 65离子感烟探测器
阿波罗(Apollo)Series 65A光电感烟探测器(高灵敏度) 55000-328
阿波罗Series 65温感定温MAT 80℃,MSRT100℃ CS 55000-135
The Series 65 Ionisation Smoke Detector uses a low activity radioactive foil to detect fires by irradiating the air in the smoke chambers and causing a current flow. If smoke enters the chamber, the current flow is reduced leading to an alarm.
Responds well to fast-burning, flaming fires
Designed to operate in a variety of environments
Flashing LED and magnet operated test switch option
Series 65紫外火焰探测器 55000-025?
船用Series 65紫外火焰探测器
Series 65离子感烟探测器(French) 55000-208
Series 65离子感烟探测器(带闪灯和磁性测试开关) 55000-215
Series 65离子感烟探测器(带闪灯) 55000-216
Series 65复合离子感烟探测器(带闪灯和磁性测试开关) 55000-218?
Series 65复合离子感烟探测器(带闪灯) 55000-219?
Series 65复合离子感烟探测器 55000-220
Series 65光电感烟探测器(French) 55000-308?
Series 65光电感烟探测器(带闪灯和磁性测试开关) 55000-315
Series 65光电感烟探测器(带闪灯) 55000-316?
Series 65光电感烟探测器 55000-317?
Series 65温感 定差温 MAT 50℃,MSRT 65℃ A1R-带闪灯,磁性测试 55000-120?
Series 65温感 定差温 MAT 50℃,MSRT 65℃ A1R-带闪灯 55000-121?
Series 65温感 定差温 MAT 50℃,MSRT 65℃ A1R-标准 55000-122?
Series 65温感 定差温 MAT 65℃,MSRT 85℃ BR-带闪灯,磁性测试 55000-125
Series 65温感 定差温 MAT 65℃,MSRT 85℃ BR-带闪灯 55000-126?