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It is compatible with all ZrO2 carbon probes and
includes thermocouple health monitoring.
Furnace Control
Electric furnaces for industrial heat treatment
use large amounts of power and operate at high
temperatures. The heating elements in these
furnaces are subjected to temperature fl uctuations,
frequently resulting in premature failure.
• Featuring the latest microprocessor-based
design, Honeywell thyristor units ensure precise
power is delivered to furnace heating elements.
Heating element failure can be detected,
reducing out-of-spec product.
Brick Kilns
Combustion and Pressure Control
Tunnel Kilns are computer-controlled, continuously
operating car-bottom kilns. They are ideal for ceramic
industries requiring high-volume production and/or
a continuous production process. Computer
technology allows kiln car movement through the
kiln to be controlled for changes in fi ring curves
and fi ring temperatures.
• Honeywell’s HC900 process controller is suited
for use in the most demanding kiln environments.
The controller provides precise temperature and
pressure monitoring, and enables operators to
manage dynamic combustion processes.
Cement Kilns
Finish Mill Control
To obtain maximum production at minimum operating
cost, mill load is a critical variable that must be carefully
controlled. Operators must consider material blending
and regulation of mill feed to achieve the highest
production rate with the least amount of energy.
• The HC900 controller is ideal for handling a wide
variety of fi nish mill control tasks. Control of the fi nish
mill circuit can be separated into two functions: control
of the clinker/gypsum ratio, and control of the mill feed.
Rotary Kiln Temperature Measurement
Traditional contact and noncontact techniques
used to measure the temperature of a cement
rotary kiln, due to extreme environmental conditions,
have a number of drawbacks. Additional installation
time, maintenance, and plant unavailability lead