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6635186C1 NLIM02 Daughtercard 子插件板
6639049D1 SLC01 main board 主板
BRC100 Bridge Controller
BRC300 Bridge Controller
BRC400 Bridge Controller
CIC Loop Command Computer
Interface Controller
CLC01 Loop Command Single Loop
CLC02 Loop Command Single Loop
CLC03 Loop Command Single Loop
CLC03 Loop Command Single Loop
Controller Card Assembly 6637964A1
CLC03 Loop Command Single Loop
Controller Card Assembly 6637864E1
CLC Loop Command Card Assmbly
No. 6637864A1
CLC04 Loop Command Single Loop
CPC01001 Command Series Process
Command Controller (see instr E92-
CSC01 Loop Command Sequence
Command Controller
CTT01 Tuning and Configuration
Handheld Terminal(相当于 NCTM01 Module)
CTT02 Tuning and Configuration
Handheld Terminal (相当于 NCTM01 module )
CTT12 Tuning and Configuration
Handheld Terminal (does not include power supply不包含电源)
IISAC01 Analog Control Station
Manual/Auto with bypass
IMAMI01 Auto Manual Interface Module
IMAMM03 Analog Master Module, 64
inputs via up to 8 ASM0x modules, use
NTAM01, NIAM02 (相当于 NAMM03)
IMAOM01 Analog Output Module, 8 analog
outputs, 4-20mA, 1-5 vdc, 0-10 vdc, use
NTAO01, NIAO01 (相当于NAOM01)
IMASI02 Analog Input Module 21 484
(相当于 NASI02)
IMASI03 Analog Input Module, 16 Inputs,
TC, Mv, RTD, High Level, use with
IMASI13 Analog Input Module, 16 inputs
(替代 IMASI03)
IMASI23 Analog Input Module, 16 inputs
IMASM01 Analog Input Module, 4-20mA, 1-
5v, 0-10v, -10 to 10vdc,use with
IMAMM03, NTAI05, NIAI04 4 336(相当于
IMASM02 Analog Input Module 8 mv or TC
inputs -100 to 100 mV, use with IMAMM03,
NTAI02, NIAI02 18 512(相当于 NASM02)
IMASM03 Analog Input Module, 8 RTD
inputs, 100 ohm, use with IMAMM03,
NTAI04, NIAI03 5 524
IMASM04 Analog Input Module, 8 RTD
Inputs, 10 ohm, use with IMAMM03,
NTAI04, NIAI03 2 542
IMASO01 Analog Output Module, 14
Analog Outputs, 1-5vdc, 4-20mA, use with
IMMFP0X, NTDI01, NIDI01 17 562
(相当于 NASO01)
IMASO11 Analog Output Module (14
outputs), supports 4-20 mA 1-5V, use with
NTDI01. NIDI01 1 800
IMCIS02 Control I/O Module, 4AI, 3DI,
4DO, 2AO, use with IMMFP0X, NTCS04,
NICS01 42 165(相当于 NCIS02)
IMCIS12 Control I/O Module, 4AI, 3DI,
4DO, 2AO, use with NTCS04, NICS01
IMCIS22 Control I/O Module
IMCKN01 Clock Network Module (c/w Frequency Drift Compensation)
IMCKN02 Clock Network Module (c/w
Frequency Drift Compensation)
IMCOM03 Enhanced Controller Module,
4AI, 3DI, 4DO, 2AO, 190 blocks, use
NTCS04, NICS01 (相当于 NCOM03)
IMCOM04 Addvanced Controller Module,
4AI, 3DI, 4DO, 2AO, 190 Blocks, expanded
functions, use NTCS04, NICS01 (相当于 NCOM04)
IMCPM01 Communications Port Module
use with CTT01 for tuning and
configuration of a single PCU (相当于 NCPM01)
IMCPM02 Communications Port Module
RS-232 and/or use with CTT02 for tuning
and configuration of a single PCU (相当于 NCPM01)
IMCPM03 Communications Port Module
RS-232 and/or use with CTT02 for tuning
and configuration of a single PCU
IMDER01 Single Drive Slave - Digital
Exchange Repeater use with NTU-7C8
termination, NKTU01
IMDPM01 Dual Probe Module (Turbine
IMDSI02 Digital Input Module, 16 Inputs,
24vdc, 125 vdc, 120 vac, use with
IMMFP0x, NTDI01, NIDI01(相当于 NDSI02, 替代NDSM02,NDSM03)
IMDSI12 Universal Digital Input Module (16
inputs), 24, 48, 125 VDC, 120 VAC (32
jumpers), use with NTDI01, NIDI01
IMDSI13 24 VDC Digital Input Module (16
inputs) 24 VDC Module, use with NTDI01,
NIDI01 terminations
IMDSI14 48 VDC Digital Input Modules (16
inputs) 48 VDC Module, use with NTDI01,
IMDSI15 125 VDC or 120 VAC Digital Input
Module (16 inputs), 125 VDC or 120VAC
(16 jumpers), use with NTDI01, NIDI01
IMDSI22 Universal Digital Input Module
IMDSM04 Pulse Input Module, 8 Pulse
Inputs 0-50 KHz, use with IMMFP0x,
NTDI01, NIDI01 (相当于 NDSM04)
IMDSM05 Digital Logic Station Interface
Module, use with IMMFP0x, NTLS01,NDLS02(相当于 NDSM05)
IMDSO01 Digital Output Module, 8 outputs,
24 to 240 VAC 3A, use with IMMFP0x,
NTDI01, NIDI01 (相当于 NDSO01)
IMDSO02 Digital Output Module, 24 VDC,
8 outputs, 5 to 50 VDC, 3A use with
IMMFP0x, NTDI01, NIDI01 (相当于 NDSO02)
IMDSO03 Digital Output Module, 125 VDC
8 outputs 5 to 160 VDC, 1A, use with
IMMFP0x, NTDI01, NIDI01 (相当于 NDSO03)
IMDSO04 Digital Output Module, 24 VDC
16 outputs 24VDC 250mA, use with
IMMFP0x, NTDI01, NIDI01, NTDO02(相当于 NDSO04)
IMDSO05 Digital Output Module, 24 VDC
IMDSO14 Digital Output Module, 16
channel open collector digital outputs, use
with NTDI01, NIDI01
IMDSO15 Digital Output Module, 8 channel
Onboard electro-mechanical relays, use
with NTDI01, NIDI01
IMEDI01 Ethernet Device Interface Module
IMEXT01 Module Card Extender
IMFAI01 Isolated Analog Input
IMFBS01 Field Bus Module, 15 inputs, 4-
20mA, 1-5, 0-10, +- 10 Vdc, smart trans,
use with IMMFP0x, NTFB01, NTAI05,
NIAI04 rev A6
IMFCS01 Frequency Counter Module, 1
input from magnetic pickup, 3 to 12.5 KHz,
use with IMMFP0x, NTDI01, NIDI01 rev B1
IMFEC11 Analog Input Module (15 Inputs),
supports 4-20mA, 1-5 v FSK Digital, use
with NTAI05, NIAI04, NTFB01
IMFEC12 Analog Input Module (15 inputs)
supports 4-20mA, 105 V; use with NTAI05,
NIAI04 terminations
IMHSS01 Hydraulic Servo Module
IMHSS02 Hydraulic Servo Module, use
with NTHS03, NTDI01, NIDI01
IMHSS03 Hydraulic Servo Module,
Redundant Outputs to Servo Coils, 2
position feed-back from LVDT, use with
NTHS03, NTDI01, NIDI01(相当于 NHSS01)
IMHSS04 Hydraulic Servo Module w/
Position Control
IMHSS05 Hydraulic Servo Module w/ 4-
20mA position control
IMLMM02 Logic Master Module, 8DI, 8DO,
1024 Blocks, I/o thru 64 digital I/O Modules,
use NTDI01, NIDI01 (相当于 NLMM02)
IMMFC03 Enhanced Multi-Function
Controller w/ Basic & C, 10,000 blocks
and/or 4000 lines of Basic or C, I/O thru 64
I/O Modules, use NTMF01, NIMF02 rev L1
(相当于 NMFC03)
IMMFC04 Enhanced Multi-Function
Controller, 5000 blocks, I/O thru 64 I/O
Modules, use NTMF01, NIMF02 rev f1
(相当于 NMFC04)
IMMFC05 Multi-Function Controller, 2000
blocks, I/O thru 64 I/O Modules, use
NTMF01, NIMF01 if required rev e1(相当于 NMFC05)
IMMFP01 Multi-Function Processor, 5000
Useable Blocks and/or 2000 lines of Basic
or "C" use NTMP01, NIMP01,
IMMFP02 Multi-Function Processor, 10,000
Useable Blocks and/or 4000 lines of Basic
or "C", use NTMP01, NIMP01/02 rev C0,
F3, F4,G2, G3,G5
IMMFP03 Multi-Function Processor, 10,000
Useable Blocks and/or 4,000 lines of Basic
or "C", use IMMPI01 if ports or stations
Required rev F1,F3, G0
IMMFP03 B Multi-Function Processor with
Enhanced Memory, 10,000 Useable Blocks
and/or 4,000 lines of Basic or "C", use
IMMPI01 if ports or stations required rev G0,
G3, G4
IMMFP04 MultiFunction Processor
IMMFP05 Multi-Function Processor
IMMFP11 Multi-Function Processor
IMMFP12 Multi-Function Processor rev G5, G8
IMMPC01 PC-90 Processor, 2000 blocks
I/O thru 64 I/O Modules, No termination
(相当于 NMPC01)
IMMPC02 Programmable Controller c/w
IMMPI01 Multi-Function Processor
Interface for IMMFP03 provides RS-
232C/485 ports, SAC/DCS port, use
NTMP01, NIMP01/02 Requires SCSI Drive
IMMPI02 Auxiliary I/O for IMMFP03 I/O +
IMPCC01 Programmable Controller
Coupler, RS-232 Interface to
Programmable Controller
IMQRC01 Quick Response Enhanced
IMQRC02 Quick Response Enhanced
IMQRS02 Quick Response Module, 4AI,
Bailey Pneumatic Positioner AP212000
STT01 Transmitter Configurator Functions
with BQ, BC, PH, DM Mass Flow, VF
STT02 Transmitter Configurator
STT03E Transmitter Configurator
EQN25 Temperature Transmitter
with indicator
EQ26 Series 10 Temp/mV Transmitter
BCN11611350 Differential Pressure
Transmitter 3"H2O
BCN23215153 Differential Pressure
Transmitter 0-30" H2O
BCN54215150 Differential Pressure
Transmitter 0-200" H2O
BCN24215162 Differential Pressure
Transmitter 200" H2O
BCN56211160 Pressure Transmitter 0 -
100 psi
BCN58701163 Pressure Transmitter 0 -
2500 psi
KP23 31A Pneumatic Pressure Transmitter
KP324 AO Pneumatic Pressure Transmitter
KT13 Pneumatic Temperature Transmitter