内页:共 100页
1. 轮机日志管理规定 Engine log book management regulations
1.1. 中国籍国际航行船舶和500总吨以上的沿海航行船舶,应使用中华人民共和国海事局 按照中华人民共和国国家标准GB18436-2001监制的轮机日志,500总吨以下沿海航行的船舶可参照使用。 Chinese ships on international voyages and coastal ships with more than 500 gross tonnage should use the engine log book in accordance with national standard GB18436-2001 produced by Republic of China Maritime Safety Administration, ships with 500 gross tonnage sailing along the coast with reference to use.
1.2. 按中华人民共和国国家标准制作的轮机日志由中华人民共和国海事局统一编号。空白 轮机日志需经中华人民共和国海事局授权单位签发后,才能投入使用。 The engine log book is produced as the national standard and assigned numbers in uniform by China Maritime Safety Administration. Blank engine log book could be put into use after the issuance given by units of China Maritime Safety Administration.
1.3. 船舶每次可申请签发轮机日志四册。船上已签发空白轮机日志不足二册时,可申请签 发新的轮机日志。 Ship can apply for the issue of four engine logbook each time. If there are engine logbooks issued less than two, Ship has been issued less than two empty engine room logs, it is available to apply for issuance of new engine log.
1.4. 轮机日志是船舶运行全过程的原始记录,是船舶法定文件之一,必须妥善保管。轮机 长应负责轮机日志的保管,用完后存船两年,以后送船舶所有人保存五年方可销毁。船舶发生海事时,轮机长应将轮机日志及有关资料妥善保管,弃船时应将其带下,以供海事调查之用。 Engine Logbook, the original records with the entire process of the ship and one of the legal documents of ship, must be well kept. Chief engineer shall be responsible for the custody of engine logbook, the log should be kept on board for two years, and then transferred to ship’s owner for five years preservation, until then it can be destroyed. When the ship occurred maritime, the chief engineer should preserve the engine logbook and related information properly and take them off when abandoning the ship for the use of Marine investigation after.
1.5. 轮机日志的记载必须真实,不得弄虚作假,不得隐瞒重要事实、故意涂改内容。 Engine logbook records must be true, not fraud, not to conceal important facts, and the content is not allowed to alter deliberately.
1.6. 轮机日志应按时间顺序记载,不得间断,内容应当明确反映出船舶航行、停泊、作业 或修理的基本情节。 Engine log should be recorded in chronological order with no interruption, the content of which should reflect such information including ship navigation, berthing, operation and basic condition of repairs.
1.7. 轮机长对轮机日志的记载全面负责,应每日检查、指导轮机日志的记载。 Chief Engineer has overall responsibility for the logbook records, should check the logbook every day and instruct its record.
2. 轮机日志记载要求 Requirements for engine logbook records
2.1. 轮机日志是国家海事主管机关为实施监督和管理而规定的重要法定文件,是反映船舶 动力装置使用和运转情况以及轮机部活动的原始记录,必须连续如实地记载,不得遗漏,不留空页。 Engine logbook is formulated as important legal document for national maritime administrations implementing supervision and management, which reflects the usage and operation of ship power equipment as well as the original records of the Engine Department, so must be recorded continuously and shall not be left out and left blank pages.
2.2. 轮机日志应使用不褪色的蓝黑或黑墨水,用中文(地名、船名等可写原文)和规定的符号记载。字迹端正、清晰可辩,词句准确、简炼,不得任意删改或涂抹。如记错或漏写,应将错误字句用红墨水笔画一横线删去,被删字句应清楚可见,改正人在改正字句后加括弧签字。 The engine logbook should be recorded in Chinese and using the specified abbreviations or symbols with the blue black or black ink, the names of place, people and ship could be written as the original. It is required that font correct and clear, the sentences short and accurate, and not any amendment or smear. If the logbook is recorded in a wrong way or left out, the wrong words and expressions should be deleted in one horizontal red line ensuring the deletes words can be picked out clearly, and the corrected words should be written with signature in parentheses.
2.3. 允许船舶将不适用的栏目保持空白,或改为本标准未包括而该船舶认为必要的项目。 Allow the improper column to be kept black or change it into items necessary for the ship that is not included in this standards.
2.4. 各栏目的记载内容: Record of each part
2.4.1. “型式”指固定螺距或变螺距; "Type" refers to a fixed pitch or variable pitch;
2.4.2. “主机控制方式”指驾驶台控制、集控室控制或机旁控制; "Main engine control" means control of the bridge, control of the control room or control of the engine room;
2.4.3. “主机总转数”,指每班的主机累计转数; "Total revolution of main engine" refers to the cumulative number of revolutions of main engine per class.
2.4.4. “本班主机平均转速”,指每班的主机平均转数(r/min),由本班“主机总转数”计算得 出; "Average speed of main engine of this class" means the average number of revolution of main engine per class (r / min), which is calculated through "total revolutions of main engine this class";
2.4.5. “主机转速设定”,指希望主机保持的转速,可以是全制式调速器的“转速设定空气” 的空气压力,或螺旋桨的螺距设定,适用于设有这类装置的船舶; "Maim engine rotate speed setting" refers to the speed that wants to keep, which could be a full format of the "rotate speed setting air " air pressure, or propeller pitch setting, for a ship equipped with such devices
2.4.6. “负荷指示”,指主机负荷指示器的读数,或主机油门开度; "Loading indication " refers to the reading of main engine loading indicator, or the throttle opening of the main engine;
2.4.7. “温度”,指表列各测量点的温度(℃); "Temperature " refers to the temperature(℃)of each measuring point on the table;
2.4.8. “燃油粘度”,指主机燃油粘度计指示的粘度(cSt); "Fuel oil viscosity" refers to the indicating viscosity of the fuel viscosity viscometer (cSt);
2.4.9. “压力”,指表列各测量点的温度(MPa) ;"Pressure" means the pressure of each measuring point (MPa) on the table;
2.4.10. “滑油自清洗滤器清洗次数”,指每两小时滑油自清洗滤器计数器读数; "The washing number of lubricating oil self-cleaning filter" means readings of lubricating oil self-cleaning filter counter in every two hours to clean the filter;
2.4.11. “值班记事”,指记录每班发生的不正常情况以及处理的方法和效果,船长命令,轮 机长命令,驾驶台命令以及其执行情况和时间调整。若该栏不足以记录,可记入“部门记事”栏; "Notes on duty" records the things that does not normally occur in each class, the treatment methods and results, the captain’s order, chief engineer’s command, the order from bridge and the condition of its implementation and time adjusting. If the column used to record is not enough to record, write them into "Sector Notes" column;
2.4.12. 机动航行时,可不记录“增压器转速”和“温度”部分,但应在这些栏目记录“备车航行” 字样,以及备车时间或定速航行时间,其他部分除扫气空气压力外仍需记录; During flexible navigation, the section of "booster speed" and "Temperature" allow to be not filled, but "Navigation under S/B" should be recorded in these columns. The time of standby or fixedspeed sailing and other parts except the air pressure still should be recorded;
2.4.13. “部门记事”,由大管轮每日记录:部门进行的各项检修,与值班有关的检修设备的 隔离和解除;船上发生紧急情况及机舱机电设备故障时,部门采取的措施;高级船员调动的交接班;应急演习,应急设备的检查;港口国和船旗国所要求的试验项目和检查情况以及公司和船舶认为应记录的内容; The column of “Sector Notes”: The second engineer records such things every day: all kinds of maintenance and checking, the isolation and riddance for the equipment related to duty; the measures taken when occurring an emergency on board or mechanical equipment failure; the condition of transfer of senior seamen shift; the emergency drill and emergency equipment checking; the items and condition of checking required by the port state and the flag state; the contents which company and ship consider necessary to be recorded.
2.4.14. “燃料、润料记录”,记录燃料和润料的数量变化;“今日消耗”和“本日存量”应使用测 量后计算的数字;“上日结存”应使用前一日的“本日存量”;“新领量”与燃料或润料接收单数字应一致;燃料数量单位用吨(t)润料数量单位用升(L),一昼夜的燃料、润料消耗数量应如实计算填写,不得使用估计数字或定额数字; "Fuel and lubricate record" records the quantity change of the fuel and lubricating material; "Today's consumption" and "this day remains" should be recorded using the number calculated after measurement; "the previous day remains" should be recorded as the "this day remains"; "New brought quantity" should be consistent with the receipts of fuel or lubricate; Fuel quantity unit with tons (t) and lubricate quantity unit with liter (L), one night consumption quantity of fuel and lubricate shall be truthfully filled in with accurate calculation, shall not use estimates or a fixed number.
2.4.15. “主机减速箱”,适用于设有主机减速箱的船舶; "Main engine gear box" is applicable for the ships equipped with main engine gear box;
2.4.16. “主机循环柜油位”,记录主机滑油循环柜油位高度(cm); "The lubricate level of main engine loop counter" records the height (cm) of lubricate level of main engine loop counter; 2.4.17. “在用辅机”,记录使用的辅机的机号和功率,若同时使用两台辅机,用“/”分隔记录; "Auxiliary in the use" should record the auxiliary number and its power, if at the same time using two auxiliary, with "/"to record separately; 2.4.18. “环境温度”,记录船舶选定的固定测量点的温度(°C); "Ambient temperature" records the temperature (° C) of the fixed measuring point of the ship; 2.4.19. “正午报告”,记录航行中每日中午轮机长与驾驶台交换的正午报告(见GB18093) 的有关项目;轮机长的正午报告应使用测量后的计算数字,其中,滑失率按下式计算: 滑失率= 推进器速率一航行实际速率 推进器速率Engineer on duty should faithfully fill in the columns listed in the table with no omission, and sign at the end of this class, then make the condition clear to the transfer engineer. Such things should be recorded detailedly in the Duty Note as follows: problems occurred in this class, the order from captain and chief engineer, the work condition of main engine, boilers and auxiliary as well as barging oil and water. 2.6. 在航行中,轮机长负责将每日驾驶部中午报告的有关内容填入轮机日志。在营运中大 管轮负责将主要检修工作(包括承修人、厂名或姓名)及其他重要事项记载在部门记录栏内。 On the voyage, the chief engineer is responsible for filling out the relevant contents of the noon report from bridge into engine logbook. In the operation, the second engineer is responsible for recording the major maintenance work (including for repair person, dock name or names) and other important matters in the column of Sector Note. 2.7. 在营运中,轮机长应于每日正午认真查阅本日志的记载情况,对记录栏内一昼夜的燃 料、润料消耗及实存数量、航行时间和航速、主机平均转速和辅机运转时间等情况记载进行核对,并逐日签字。 During operation, the chief engineer should carefully review records situation of engine logbook daily noon, which includes information such as the consumption of the fuel and lubricate in a day and night, the remains amount of the fuel and lubricate on board, the navigating time and speed, the average rotate speed of the main engine and the auxiliary operating time and so on, and should sign a signature after checking day by day. 2.8. 轮机部高级船员离职时,在双方交接手续办理完毕后,应在本轮机日志交接日页面签 证,并按规定由轮机长签字,轮机长交接班由船长签字。 When the senior crews in the Engine Department leave, both transfers should sign in the transferring page in the engine logbook after finished the transfer formalities. In accordance with regulations, the chief engineer should confirm by a signature, as the chief engineer shifting signed by the captain. 3. 轮机日志保管要求 Engine logbook preserved requirements 3.1. 机日志应保持完整和清洁。 Engine logbook should be kept completed and tidy. 3.2. 未使用的轮机日志由轮机长保管。 Unused engine logbook should be preserved well by chief engineer. 3.3. 使用中的轮机日志由值班轮机员保管。 The engine logbook in the use should be preserved by the engineer on duty. 3.4. 使用过的轮机日志,在船上由轮机长保管两年,然后交公司处理。 The engine logbook used should be kept by chief engineer for two years and handed over to company to dispose. 3.5. 轮机日志每册为100页(必须有漆封),按顺序记载,不得撕毁或增添。由轮机长负 责保存,并指导监督填写,不得遗失或损坏。 Each engine logbook has one hundred pages(must be painted letters) ,and be recorded in good order, not be allowed to tear or add. Chief engineer is responsible for preserving the logbook and gives guidance and supervision to fill out. The logbook can not be lost or damaged. 3.6. 船舶发生海事时,轮机长应妥善保管轮机日志并提交主管机关。 If an incident occurs to the ship, the chief engineer should keep the engine logbook very well and submit it to the competent authorities.
"Noon Report" reports the concerned projects of noon report which the chief engineer exchanges with the bridge daily during the voyage; The noon report from chief engineer should use the measurement digital, besides, the slippery loss rate should be calculated as follows: slippery loss rate = Propeller speed一the actual navigation rate Propeller speed
2.4.20. 航行中,轮机日志应由每班值班轮机员记载和签署;轮机长每日审阅轮机日志的记 载,并在“部门记事”栏内签署;停泊或锚泊时应由大管轮或轮机长记载; During the voyage, the engine logbook should be recorded in each class and signed by duty engineer; The chief engineer shall review the engine logbook every day and leave signature in the column "Sector Note"; The second engineer or the chief engineer takes charge of recording when the ship berthing or anchoring. 2.4.21. “淡水冷却器”栏,对于有集中冷却器的应记录高温淡水冷却温度。 "Fresh water cooler", for the ship equipped with focused water cooler, the high-temperature cooling temperature should be recorded. 2.5. 值班轮机员应按表格所列各栏如实记载,不得遗漏,应在本班结束时签字,并向接班 轮机员交代清楚。在值班记事栏内详细记载本班内发生的问题、船长及轮机长的命令、主机、锅炉和辅机工作的情况以及驳油及驳水的情况。
每一个好评都是一次认可,离不开每一位成员的努力, 轮机日志价格厂家批发轮机长日志从设计、选料、生产、售前、仓库发货到售后服务的每一个环节我们都有在用心!