★ 现代微电脑技术,采用进口高性能核心芯片技术,寿命长、精度高、响应时间快;
★ 智能化高集成度微电脑(ARM)内置电路,确保仪器高性能在线运行,抗干扰能力强;
★ 外形美观、操作简单、维护方便;
★ 采用全中文人机对话菜单,操作直观方便,大屏幕液晶显示清晰时尚,可同时显示氧含量、日期、时间等参量;并可显示氧含量变化曲线;
★ 选用进口微量氧检测传感器,具有寿命长,反应速度快等特点;
★ 适用于氮气、氢气、氩气等气体中微量氧的测量;
★ 集微量氧检测、4~20mA电流输出、数据传输、报警控制功能为一体,既可在线使用又可便携式移动使用;
★ 上下限报警点可在全量程范围内任意设置,报警点回差(滞后恢复)也可在全量程范围内按需任意设置;
★ 所有参数配置(设置)皆有停电保护功能,停电数据保存可达10年;
★ 仪器内置吸气泵(非标配,用户购买时选购),适于无压力或微压力环境使用。
★ 量程:0~10ppm,0~100ppm,0~1000ppm;
★ 精度:>10ppm±3%FS,≤10ppm±5%FS;
★ 输出:0~10mA、0~20mA、4~20mA、0~5VDC;
★ 重复性:≤±2%FS;
★ 一路高报警继电器输出可用于现场控制,触点容量250VAC/2A或30VDC/2A;
★ 一路低报警继电器输出可用于现场控制,触点容量250VAC/2A或30VDC/2A;
★ 功耗:<4W;
★ 电源:85~265VAC,50Hz;
★ 工作温度:-10~50℃;
★ 样气流量:300~700ml/min,推荐500ml/min;
★ 样气压力:<0.1MPa,推荐0.05MPa;
★ 样气温度:0~40℃;
★ 外形尺寸:144x144x250mm;
HTE-500 Micro Oxygen Analyzer
★ Modern computer technology, high performance core chip, long life, high precision, fast response.
★ Intelligent high integrated microcomputer (ARM) built-in circuit.
★ Beautiful outlook, easily operation, convenient maintenance.
★ Man-machine window, easy to operate, LCD can display the oxygen content, date, time and other.
parameters; and can display the variation curve of oxygen content.
★ Micro oxygen sensor has the advantages of long service life and quick reaction,etc.
★ Suitable for measuring the micro oxygen in nitrogen, hydrogen, argon and other gases.
★ The instrument has the function of oxygen measuring,4~20mA current output,data communication,alarm. It can been used online or mobile.
★ Alarm point can be set arbitrarily in the full range.
★ All configuration parameters is saved in EEPROM up to 10 years.
★ A mini-gas-pump is set in the instrument for micro-pressure environment.
★ Range: 0~10ppm, 0~100ppm, 0~1000ppm
★ Precision:>10ppm±3%FS,≤10ppm±5%FS
★ Output:0~10mA、0~20mA、4~20mA、0~5VDC
★ Repeatability:≤±2%FS
★ One higher-alarm relay output,Contact capacity: 250VAC/2A or 30VDC/2A
★ One lower-alarm relay output,Contact capacity250VAC/2A or 30VDC/2A
★ Consumption:<4W
★ Power:85~265VAC,50Hz
★ operation temperature:-10~50℃
★ The sample gas flow:300~700ml/min,Recommend: 500ml/min
★ The sample gas pressure: <0.1MPa,Recommend: 0.05MPa
★ The sample gas temperature:0~40℃
★ Size:144x144x250mm