详细说明 |
品牌:金威 | 产地: | 价格:电议人民币/KG | 规格: | 简要说明: 在550-750℃范围钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢的助熔剂 | |  | | 详细介绍:
Category 类 别 |
Trade-mark 牌 号 |
Product name 名 称 |
Characteristics & application 特性和用途 |
Gas welding
气焊 |
CJ301 |
Copper gas welding flux 铜气焊熔剂 |
Melting point is about 650℃, flux for gas welding and brazing of copper and copper alloys. 熔点约650℃,铜及铜合金气焊或钎焊的助熔剂 |
CJ401 |
Aluminum gas welding flux 铝气焊熔剂 |
Melting point is about 560℃, flux for gas welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys. 熔点约560℃,铝及铝合金气焊的助熔剂 |
Silver brazing
银钎焊 |
QJ101 |
Silver brazing flux 银钎焊熔剂 |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 550-750℃. 在550-750℃范围钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢的助熔剂 |
Category 类 别 |
Trade-mark 牌 号 |
Product name 名 称 |
Characteristics & application 特性和用途 |
Gas welding
气焊 |
CJ301 |
Copper gas welding flux 铜气焊熔剂 |
Melting point is about 650℃, flux for gas welding and brazing of copper and copper alloys. 熔点约650℃,铜及铜合金气焊或钎焊的助熔剂 |
CJ401 |
Aluminum gas welding flux 铝气焊熔剂 |
Melting point is about 560℃, flux for gas welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys. 熔点约560℃,铝及铝合金气焊的助熔剂 |
Silver brazing
银钎焊 |
QJ101 |
Silver brazing flux 银钎焊熔剂 |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 550-750℃. 在550-750℃范围钎焊铜及铜合金、钢及不锈钢的助熔剂 | |