





    发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-30 09:56:22  访问次数:74



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    工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


    Yaskawa Positionpack CPCC-UD160 Controller Serial No. RUP 022-482-3 CPCCUD160

    Yasakawa CPCC-PP100C PositionPack-100 CPCCPP100C

    Yankee 302-0.3750 Capscrew C'Bore 3/8 1/64 OS Counter Bore 30203750

    Worthington Compressor 200-110-11-30 Air Filter 19" OD 24" Height 2001101130

    World Energy Toshiba JISC4210 Induction Motor 7.5kW 10HP 200Volt 3Phase

    Worcester Controls 2036WP8068 RO Series 36 Electric Actuator 115VAC 2.9Amp

    Worcester Ball Valve 1 Inch A743 CF3M D30608

    Worcester 1/2" Ball Valve High Speed Stainless Steel 9466XGSW

    Wisconsin Wire Works WWW A2 Bronze Welding Wire (.045"/1.2mm) Diameter WWWA2

    Wire 24 AWG Anixter Approximately 1000 Feet

    Wilson Tool 0000626125-000010 Trumpf Lance & F/U <9 + 0.007 Tool

    Wilkerson Pneumatic Air M35-0C-000 Coalescing Filter Manual Drain 2" NPT M350C00

    Wilkerson Filter B18-02-FL00

    Wiegmann B16146CH Enclosure w/Allen Bradley 800T-FXNP16XA7 Push/Pull Button

    Whitey Valve SS-44F6-P

    Westlock Controls Corp. Position Monitor Beacon Model 3057-BY-P22

    Westinghouse Type KI-241 Synchroscope Style 186A235A01 KI241

    Westinghouse Tri-Pac De-Ion Circuit Breaker LA3400PRF

    Westinghouse Starter Size 3 Catalog No. A200M3CACE

    Westinghouse Series C Industrial Breaker FD3050 FD25K

    Westinghouse Overload Heater AW6.1 Lot Of Twelve

    Westinghouse Off Delay Relay BST-OFF 1255C38G01

    Westinghouse Motor Control 6710C49G06 with Overload Relay BA13A

    Westinghouse Motor Circuit Protector/Breaker MCP03150CR Instantaneous Trip

    Westinghouse Motor Circuit Protector MCP0358R Instantaneous Trip Circuit Breaker

    Westinghouse Motor Circuit Protector MCP03150RInstantaneous Trip Circuit Breaker

    Westinghouse Molded Case Circuit Breaker Model KB3250F

    Westinghouse Molded Case Circuit Breaker LA3400PRF

    Westinghouse MCP0358RC Motor Circuit Protector 600VAC 3-Pole 7 Amp

    Westinghouse MCP0358CR Motor Circuit Protector 7Amp 600VAC 3-Pole

    Westinghouse KD3400F Series C Industrial Circuit Breaker 400Amp 600VAC 50/60Hz

    Westinghouse KD3400F Circuit Breaker with Disconnect Handle 400A 3 Pole 600VAC

    Westinghouse HUN364 Heavy Duty Safety Switch 200Amp 600VAC Type 1 Enclosure

    Westinghouse GF325N General Duty Non-Fusible Safety Switch 400Amp GF-325N

    Westinghouse Current Limiter ELC3030R

    Westinghouse Circuit Breaker HMCP100R3C Series C

    Westinghouse Breaker LA3400F with Magnetic Trip Adjustment

    Westinghouse BFF84F Control Relay Model 8 4Pole 300Volt Missing Coil

    Westinghouse AB-I Circuit Breaker DKA 3-Pole 600 VAC 225amp ABI

    Westinghouse AB "DE-ION" Circuit Breaker 225Amp 3Pole 600VAC

    Westinghouse A201K5CAZ1 Motor Control Starter Model J Size 5

    Westinghouse A201K5CAC Motor Control Starter Size 5 600Volt 3Phase

    Westinghouse A201K0CA Contactor Size 0 Model J 18Amp 110/120Volt 50/60HZ

    Westinghouse 50 Amp Motor Circuit Protector/Breaker MCP23480CR

    Westinghouse 3P90-151 Current Transformer 150:5A Ratio 50-400HZ 600V 3P90151

    Westinghouse 3Hole Oilltite Control Station with 2Pilot Lights & Selector Switch

    Westinghouse 311P996 AC Motor 1HP 3Phase 1725RPMs Cont Duty 311P996

    Westinghouse 30 Amp Motor Circuit Protector MCP13300CR with Trip Setting

    Westinghouse 15 Amp Motor Circuit Protector MCP03150CR with Trip Setting

    Westinghouse 1265C95G11 Circuit Breaker 3-Pole 100Amp 125/250Volt 50/60Hz

    Westinghouse / Cutler Hammer FD3100 FD 25K 100 Amp Series C Circuit Breaker

    Wenglor Reflex Sensor HK12PA7

    Weldotron 8003B Light Curtain Control Box Safe T Lite

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