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    National Instruments NI PXI-7813R Virtex-II 3M Gate FPGA, 160 DIO Dig. Reconfig.

    National Instruments NI PXI-7813R Virtex-II 3M Gate FPGA, 160 DIO Dig.

    National Instruments NI PXI-7811R Digital RIO with Virtex-II 1M Gate FPGA Module

    National Instruments NI PXI-7344 4-Axis Stepper/Servo Controller Card

    National Instruments NI PXI-6733 High-Speed Analog Output 1MS/s 16-Bit 8-CH Mod

    National Instruments NI PXI-6722 13-Bit, 8-Channel, 800 kS/s PXI Analog Output

    National Instruments NI PXI-6711 NI DAQ Card, High-Speed Analog Output

    National Instruments NI PXI-6652 Timing and MultiChassis Synchronization Module

    National Instruments NI PXI-6602 NI DAQ Card, 8-Channel Counter / Timer w/ DIO

    National Instruments NI PXI-6552 100MHz Digital I/O Signal Generator Analyzer

    National Instruments NI PXI-6551 50 MHz, 20CH Digital Waveform

    National Instruments NI PXI-6542 100 MHz, 32-Channel, 5 V PXI Digital Waveform

    National Instruments NI PXI-6541 50MHz Digital Waveform Generator Analyzer

    National Instruments NI PXI-6527 Digital I/O Module

    National Instruments NI PXI-6515 Industrial 64 ch. Isolated Digital IO

    National Instruments NI PXI-6514 64-Ch., ±30 VDC, 32 Sink/Source Inputs

    National Instruments NI PXI-6508 96-Channel, 5 V TTL/CMOS, 2.5 mA PXI Digital

    National Instruments NI PXI-6251 16 AI (16-Bit, 1.25 MS/s), 2 AO, 24 DIO, PXI

    National Instruments NI PXI-6250 16 AI (16-Bit, 1.25 MS/s), 24 DIO, PXI Multif.

    National Instruments NI PXI-6229 DAQ Card, Multifunction Analog Input

    National Instruments NI PXI-6225 80 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO, 24 DIO, PXI Mul

    National Instruments NI PXI-6220 16-Bit, 250 kS/s, 16 Analog Inputs

    National Instruments NI PXI-6122 4 AI (16-Bit, 500 kS/s/ch), 8 DIO, PXI

    National Instruments NI PXI-6115 4 AI (12-Bit, 10 MS/s/ch), 2 AO, 8 DIO, PXI

    National Instruments NI PXI-6071E NI DAQ Card Multi. 1.25MS/sec Analog Input

    National Instruments NI PXI-6071E DAQ Card Multifunction 1.25MS/sec Analog Input

    National Instruments NI PXI-6070E Multifunction DAQ

    National Instruments NI PXI-6040E NI DAQ Multifunction Card, Analog Input

    National Instruments NI PXI-5695 8 GHz, 70 dB PXI RF Attenuator

    National Instruments NI PXI-5652 RF and Microwave Signal Generator/Modul. Capab.

    National Instruments NI PXI-5651 PXIe, 3.3 GHz, PXI RF Analog Signal Generator

    National Instruments NI PXI-5620 64 MS/s, 14-Bit Frequency-Domain Digitizer

    National Instruments NI PXI-5431 High-Accuracy Analog Video Signal Generator

    National Instruments NI PXI-5411 High-Speed Arbitrary Waveform Generator 40MS/s

    National Instruments NI PXI-5154 PXI 1 GHz, 2 GS/s, 8-Bit PXI Oscilloscope

    National Instruments NI PXI-5153 500 MHz, 2 GS/s, 8-Bit PXI Oscilloscope

    National Instruments NI PXI-5152 300 MHz, 2 GS/s, 8-Bit PXI Oscilloscope

    National Instruments NI PXI-5142 100 MS/s, 14-Bit Oscilloscope/Digitizer

    National Instruments NI PXI-5124 150 MHz, 200 MS/s, 12-Bit PXI Oscilloscope 32MB

    National Instruments NI PXI-5124 150 MHz, 200 MS/s, 12-Bit PXI Oscill. 256/CH

    National Instruments NI PXI-5122 100 MHz, 100 MS/s 14-Bit Digitizer

    National Instruments NI PXI-5114 Digitizer Card, NI DAQ Scope, 250MS/sec

    National Instruments NI PXI-4495 16-Input PXI Sound and Vibration Module

    National Instruments NI PXI-4472 8-Input Sound and Vibration Module

    National Instruments NI PXI-4462 24-Bit 204.8 kS/s Sound Vibr. Audio Analyzer

    National Instruments NI PXI-4461 204.8 kS/s, 2-Input/2-Output PXI Sound

    National Instruments NI PXI-4351 High-Precision Temperature and Voltage Meter

    National Instruments NI PXI-4110 Programmable DC Power Supply Card

    National Instruments NI PXI-4071 7?-Digit FlexDMM Digital Multimeter Module

    National Instruments NI PXI-4070 Digital Multimeter Card 6-1/2 Digit DMM

    National Instruments NI PXI-4065 Digital Multimeter Card 6-1/2 Digit DMM

    National Instruments NI PXI-4060 Digital Multimeter Card 5-1/2 Digit DMM

    National Instruments NI PXI-2800 NI SwitchBlock Carrier Module

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