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    NRC Newport 440 Linear Stage / Micrometer

    NoShok 25.300.15000 2.5 0-15000 PSI Brass Glycerine Filled Pressure Gauge German

    Nordic 2534100 Dual Ramp Soft Start Induction Motor Controller 5/10 HP 2534101

    Norco SO-I-CR-74-3 Industrial Filter Element 50P 74-3

    NIBCO T595CSR66LL 1-1/4 Full Port Carbon Steel Ball Valve 1 1/4 NPT 1000 PSI

    Nibco N200235LH 6 Butterfly Valve 200 PSI N200235LH-6 No Handle Lever

    NI National Instruments NI SCXI-1305 Terminal Block for 1120,1121,1125,1126,1140

    Newport UTM50CC1HL motorized linear stage with motor UE404CC

    Newport ULTRAlign 561-GON Goniometer Stage with SM-13 Micrometer

    Newport ULTRAlign 561D-YZ Translation Stage with SM-13 Micrometers

    Newport Ultralign 462 Crossed Roller Bearing Linear Rotating Stage

    Newport U200-P Platform Optical Mount, ULTIMA®, 2.75 x 2.75 in., with Actuators

    Newport Projects In Fiber Optics FKP-Com Communications Kit Case #2

    Newport PMA11610 Motorized Actuator

    Newport PMA11542 Motorized Actuator

    Newport PM1A1852 motorized stage linear positioner

    Newport NRC LP-2 Five-Axis Precision Lens Positioner 2" Optical Mount

    Newport NRC 400 Series LinearDual Axis X Y Stage Positioner 5" with Micrometers

    Newport NewStep NSA12V6 10123

    Newport N/A 97 NSN Laser Welder Parts

    Newport M-TSX-1D Dovetail Linear Stage, 1.0 inch Travel, M6

    Newport Model 350 Temperature Controller

    Newport Model 325 Temperature Controller

    Newport M-BGM160MS Manual Goniometer with Encoder Goniometric Cradle

    Newport M-436 Low-Profile Crossed-Roller Bearing Linear Stage, 50.8 mm, M6

    Newport Linear Stage M-UMR5.16 N.O.S Optical Tool

    Newport GON40-L Goniometric Rotation Stage / Lower Goniometer with Micrometer

    Newport FS-C Colored Glass Filter Set, 50.8 x 50.8 mm, Includes 9 Filters

    Newport Digital Shutter Controller Model 845

    Newport CMA-25CCCL Motorized Linear Actuator, ESP, 1" Range, Closed Loop

    Newport CMA-12CCCL Compact Motorized Actuator DC Motor Closed Loop 12.5mm Travel

    Newport Benchtopo Coupler WDM

    Newport 8008 High-Density Laser Diode Controller with modules

    Newport 744 15 Pin Male Sub D to 9 Male Sub D, Diode Control. 740 Series

    Newport 6035 Spectral Calibration Lamp, Hg (Ar), 18±5 mA, 5000 Hour Rated Life

    Newport 6000 Laser Diode Controller with 6510

    Newport 561-VH Vacuum Waveguide Mount, 561 Series

    Newport 561-TS Fixed Platform, Narrow Profile T-Stand, 561 Series

    Newport 561-GM Gimbal Fiber Chuck Micro Positioner

    Newport 561D XYZ ULTRALign Precision Linear Stage/SM-13 Micr. +561-TILT-LH

    Newport 561D XYZ ULTRALign Precision Linear Stage / SM-13 Micrometers + 561-TILT

    Newport 561D XYZ ULTRALign Precision Linear Stage / Micrometers + 561-TILT

    Newport 495-A Motorized Rotatary Stage. 3-1/4 Diameter Stage Ser. No. 513

    Newport 423 Precision Linear Translation Stage with SM-25 Micrometer

    Newport 360-90 Optical Stage Mount 90-Degree Angle Bracket

    Newport 3150 Advanced High-Power Temperature Controller

    Newport / Oriel Model 70537 Apex Iber Illuminator

    Newport / Oriel 71430 Light Source Safety Shutter, Man Oper, 1.5 Inch Ser Flange

    Newport / Oriel 14781 Precision Variable Height Post Holder

    Newport / NRC RSA-2T Lens & Mirror Positioner for Optics and Laser

    Newport / NRC 425A Series Linear Stage with Starrett Micrometer

    Newport / New Focus 9065-X Linear Stage 0.55 in. Travel, 8-32 & 1/4-20

    Newport / New Focus 9064-X Linear Stage 1.1 in. Travel, 8-32 and 1/4-20 Threads

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