





    发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-26 09:06:01  访问次数:76



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    工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


    Sharp JW-64S2 PLC DC Output Module DC5/12/24V 

    Sharp JW-64NC PLC DC Input Module  in Sealed Factory Box

    Sharp JW-64NC PLC DC Input Module 

    Sharp JW-33CUH1 Control Module 

    Sharp JW-32S PLC DC Output Module 

    Sharp JW-31LMH PLC I/O Link Master Module

    Sharp JW-31LMH PLC I/O Link Master Module 

    Sharp JW-2EA PLC I/O Module

    Sharp JW-28KB Basic Back Panel 

    Sharp JW-234N Input Module 

    Sharp JW-232S PLC DC Output Module 

    Sharp JW-232M Input/Output Module 

    Sharp JW-21CM Link Module 

    Sharp JW-212SA Module DC Output 

    Sharp JW-212NA Satellite PLC DC Input Module

    Sharp JW-212NA Satellite PLC DC Input Module 

    Sharp JW-1MAH Memory Module 

    Sharp JW-1EA PLC I/O Module

    Sharp JW-12N DC Input Module 12/24VDC 

    Sharp JW-10SU Satellite PLC Serial I/F Module 

    Sharp JW-10SU PLC Serial I/F Module

    SGR Konstanter #S63S24BU6 Power Supply 24V 6A, Man Sach #037U691935

    Sew-Eurodrive SAF57DT80N4 Gear Reducer & Motor 1HP 52RPM P/N 0112329

    Sew-Eurodrive SAF57DT80N4 Gear Reducer & Motor 1HP 20RPM P/N 0112332

    Sew Eurodrive #MCV41A0015-5A3-4-0T Movidrive P/N #08274959

    Sentronic 2313ME/B80 Overhead Concealed Closer With Electronic Release

    Sensotec 060-6827-03 In-Line Amplifiers Input 18-32 VDC to 4-26MA GC!!!

    Sensor Switch NPODMAL Push Button Wall Pod 12-24VAC #207H96

    Sensor Switch FB3 Snap-In Deep Fixture Bracket 198W3N

    Semikron A1-116-001-008 Power Module 162A 1400V

    Semikron A1-106-001-004 Power Module 142A 1400V

    Semiconductor Circuits #MP35-060 Power Source

    Secura Key RK600-PS Power Supply 120 Volts to 9 VDC 

    SEC Sunlight KTY1-4 Power Unit KTY1-C0100/0V VGC!!!

    SealMaster MFC-39C Gold Line 4-Bolt Flange Mount Bearing 2-7/16" 

    SealMaster #ER-19 Cylindrical OD Bearing Gold Line 1-13/16"

    Scientific Technologies SR125SMS02 Safety Module for Zero Speed Detetion

    Scientific Technologies 82401-5026 Safety Mat Controller MC6DC-5026-CX1 VGC!!!

    Schrader Bellows #L7552440253, max 150 P.S.I. 120V VGC!!!

    Schrack #MR306024 Relay 10 Amp 250V / 24V RN-315024AC Man Roland C37D244352

    Schneider VW3A3501 Controller Inside Programable Card Altivar V1.2IE13

    Schneider TSXSAZ10 Modicon AS-I Master Module  in Factory Sealed Box

    Schneider SLSWDS1500 Wall Mount Dual Occupancy Sensor

    Schneider SLSERC1277 Emergency Lighting Control Relay 120/277V NEW

    Schneider Modicon TM2DDO16UK Expansion Module 399579 

    Schneider LC1D18BL Contactor 10HP 480V Coil 24VDC  in Sealed Box

    Schneider Harmony XB4-BW35G5 ILLuminated Pushbutton 120V 

    Schneider Electric LC1D65ABD Contactor 3 Pole 65 Amps 24VDC Coil 

    Schneider DL1-BDG6 LED Cluster Blue Lamp Harmony 120V Grainger 6HK04 

    Schneider DA0216/AS-BDA0-216 Output Module

    Schneider CAD50U7 Control Relay CAD50 Coil 240V 

    Schmersal SRB304ST 24V Safety Controller 

    Schleicher #Zg1W2R1-36-76-00A Timer Type NGZ320

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