





    发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-26 09:03:05  访问次数:81



    国外直接采购,原装行货,价格优惠,售后保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎电话查询!工业设备 ABB、西门子、施耐德140/TSX、AB等系统卡件、伺服控制器、电源模块、CPU模块、PLC系统控制器

    工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


    Sola E620-F-1236110-TP IC Sign Ballast 4' to 12' For any 1 or 2 T12HO Lamps

    Sola 83-05-230-03 Power Supply 120/240V to 5VDC

    SMC VNH133A-10A-5TZ-B Coolant Valve  in Original Packaging

    SMC SYA5120-01T Supply Press

    SMC NVZ514-5DZ-02T Pneumatic Valve 24VDC

    SMC NVFS2100-5FZ Pneumatic Valve with Manifold 21-26VDC

    SMC NCGBN25-0300 Pneumatic Cylinder 145 PSI

    SMC ISE40-01-70L Digital Pressure Switch 

    SMC IS10M-60-L Differental Pressure Switch  in Sealed Bag

    SMC EX600-DXPD Fieldbus System  in Original Factory Box

    SMC Cylinder NCA1FG325-ULA96 Max PSI 250

    SMC CQ2WB40-20D Compact Air Cylinder 40MM Bore 20MM Stroke

    SMC CDG1BA32-80 Pneumatic Cllinder 145 PSI

    SMC CDG1BA20-210 Pneumatic Cllinder 145 PSI

    SMC CD85N16-125-B* Air Cylinder 10 Barr Max

    SMC #MHQG2-40S Gripper   with

    SMC #D-Z73 Proximity Sensor

    Smar LD291 Pressure Transmitter LD291M-41I-11-00

    Sky Type SKMPL Relay 5 Amps 250VAC/28VDC 120 VAC Coil

    Sky Type SKMP-4C Relay 5 Amps 250VAC/28VDC 110 VDC Coil

    SKY Type SKKPLM-2C Relay 10 Amps 8-Pin Coil 24 VDC

    SKF YAT209-112 Flange Bearing Assembly

    SKF Explorer 6307 2RSJEM Bearing 

    SKF Bearings NU1007ECP & NU205ECP Both  in Sealed box

    SKF 7310BECBY Heavy Duty Roller Bearing  in Sealed Box

    SKF 6305 2ZJEM Roller Bearing 

    SKF 19211 Seal  in Original Factory Box

    SKF #BVT-7189 Heavy Duty Bearing 

    SKF #BVN-7163 Heavy Duty Bearing 

    SKF #BCT-0004 Heavy Duty Bearing 

    SKF #6212 Heavy Duty Bearing 

    SKF #467925 ACY/W33 Heavy Duty Bearing 

    SKF #3310 ATN9 Heavy Duty Double Roller Bearing Man Roland #06.31480-8000

    SKF #30314 J2 Heavy Duty Bearing 

    Sitema KRGP22 Pneumatic Safety Lock

    Simpson Model 3324AAIXA Spec D16687 Panel Meter 0-120 D.C. Kilovolts VGC!!!

    Simpson Model 3324 Spec D16679 Panel Meter 0-2000 D.C. Milliampers VGC!!!

    Simpson Model 3324 Spec 62350 Panel Meter 0-120 D.C. Kilovolts VGC!!!

    Simpson F451260 Digital Panel Meter 4-1/2" Bright Red, Falcon F45

    Simplex Type 4305 Replacement Panel 24 VDC 

    Simplex Type 4259-42 Air Duct Smoke Detector Fire Alarm  in Original Box

    Simplex 6310-9231 Black 12" Wall Clock 115V P/N 0643513

    Simplex 4297-5 Remote Test Station with Key

    Simplex 4262-15 Duct Housing P/N 47706

    Simplex 2975-9145 Red Back Box Assembly P/N 0696969

    Simplex 2190-9169 Isolator Module Surface Mount P/N 0636245

    Simplex 2099-9754 Pull Down Fire Alarm Station W/Key P/N 0630533 

    Simplex 2088-9582 Electromagnetic Door Holder 21-28VDC P/N 0185087 

    Sierratherm 5-48-00006 TC Interface Card

    Sierratherm 5-48-00003 TC Interface Card

    Siemens-Allis MSP10K Relay 3.2 to 5 Amps VGC!!!

    Siemens-Allis MSP10D Relay 0.4 to 0.63 Amps VGC!!!

    Siemens-Allis MSP10A Relay 0.1 to 0.16 Amps VGC!!!

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