





    发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-16 09:33:06  访问次数:103



    国外直接采购,原装行货,价格优惠,售后保修,型号齐全,优势库存,欢迎电话查询!工业设备 ABB、西门子、施耐德140/TSX、AB等系统卡件、伺服控制器、电源模块、CPU模块、PLC系统控制器

    工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


    Legris 3101 14 17 / straight screwed coupling / 10 PCs new in orig. box of incl ...

    Large Lot with FESTO Solenoid Valve, Pneumatik. See photo's for more information

    Large Lot with FESTO LFR-1-D-MAXI-A, VS-4-1/8, MN1H-2-1/2-MS and more....

    Large lot impIants, screws, abutments diff. brands like Nobel, Straumann, etc..

    Kuka Robotics Hard Drive, Part Number 00128506, Ver 3

    Kuka KVGA 1.0-71-039-276 Graphics Card, KCP-VGA 2049F-1, 71-039-276

    Kuka 390-00212-0 KRC1 Robot Relay Board

    Kuka 1FK6081-6AF71-1ZZ9-ZS47 Robot Servo Motor, New Old Stock

    Kuka 1FK6081-6AF71-1ZZ9-ZS47 Robot Servo Motor,

    Kuka 00-100-796 RIO Board, LP97LP0684/2.01, 00100796

    Kübler Incremental encoder 05.2420.1222.1024. New with manual. KUBLER

    Kübler absolute Multiturn Encoder 8.5868.2131.3112 Profibus // KUBLER // SEALED

    Kraus & Naimer Disconnect KG32B T203/01

    Kostyrka 1410.30 + 4610.10/Printer higher/air/oil pressure on Setzer NEW VAT

    Kone TMS50E with IO-board 490212H10, Microcomputer elevator control module Lift

    Kone TMS50 IO extension module 371:2, 490478 GO1

    Kone TMS50 IO extension module 371:1, 490478 GO1


    Keystone RDS Indexed Abut. Healing Cap. NEW and sealed. S2401K

    Keyence SJ-E036A Ultra High Speed Sensing Ioniser Hybrid Static Eliminator 360mm

    Kennametal KSSR-4-TP4-0 Indexable Shell Mill, 4", 1-1/4" Arbor

    Kendrion GLE098.080007/GL98E2/KMU498/New Incl VAT

    KEB Operator F5 Profibus DP Type: 00F5060-3A00 / Version: Keyboard + Diag.

    Johnson Controls Metasys NU-NCM350-701 Network Controller w/ TC6242-AIO, NCM350

    Jetter Delta-CPU Controller Module 9709024191, D-ADR, DELCPU Rev. 03

    Jetter Delta CPU Controller Module 9711054147, 9706254104, 9710224161 9710224157

    IXXAT Can Repeater V3.3 * 1.01.0064.44000 * HW143072

    IXXAT 1.01.0064.44000 HW144062 CAN Repeater V 3.3

    IWIS/eurochain EC-8D 08 B-2/40002720/Roller Chain/5,017m New in Original Box

    Iscar FTHN 25.4-40-36778 Square Shank Toolholder for FTB Wide Profiling Inserts

    Intuitive Surgical 371716-02 PMED Covidien Force Triad Cable

    Ingersoll Indexable Carbide Insert Face Mill Cutter, extra inserts JPE-43R100

    Indramat MOD21 1X005-507 TDM7... - Incl VAT/Warranty

    Indramat mod21 1x0002-507 tdm7... - Incl VAT/Warranty

    INA lr5305-2rs/Caster NEW VAT

    INA AXK 140180 A/Axial-Needle Wreath/3 Piece NEW VAT

    IKA HS260 Basic Horizontal Laboratory Shaker, 7.5 Kg Capacity

    IFM ig5938 iga3008 BPKG/US, mint condition WITHOUT original box, incl. VAT, incl...

    IFM ig5495 igb3005 BPKG/US, mint condition WITHOUT original box, incl. VAT, incl...

    IFM Electronic li5141, mint condition with original box, incl. VAT, incl warrant...

    IFM Electronic li2142, mint condition with original box, incl. VAT, incl warrant...

    IBC endowment 40-76.q2/High Precision Clamping Nut NEW VAT

    IAI XSEL 3-Axis Controller, XSEL-J-3-2001-2001-2001-DV-EEE-0-2

    IAI XSEL 2-Axis Controller, XSEL-J-2-2001-2001-DV-EEE-0-2

    IAI RCP5-SA6R-WA-42P-3-50-P3-R05-B-CJB-ML Robo Cylinder, 50mm Stroke Slider

    IAI RCP5-MUSRA6A-ML Motor For RA6A Robo Cylinder

    IAI RCP5-MUSRA6A-B-CJB-ML Motor For RA6A Robo Cylinder w/ CB-CAN-MPA050-RB Cable

    HP Thin Client, HP T610 WW. Boxed with keyboard, cables, software, manuals etc

    HP (Agilient, Keysight) 81510Z Optical Connector Adapter Blank

    HP (Agilient, Keysight) 81510N Optical Connector Adapter AMP SMA

    HP (Agilient, Keysight) 81510K Optical Connector Adapter Stratos 430

    HP (Agilient, Keysight) 81510J Optical Connector Adapter F+G3702

    HP (Agilient, Keysight) 81510H Optical Connector Adapter Biconic (WE)

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