





    发布者:fzzk01  发布时间:2021-07-16 08:51:12  访问次数:91



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    工控备件联系电话:小叶18060815105 (微信同号) Q:879520885


    You buy two, Schneider, LC1D18,

    You buy four pieces, Schneider, LC1K06,

    You buy a box of 20 Moeller / Eaton M22-K01 Contact Blocks. You buy 20.

    You buy 7 pieces Schneider ZB5 AA2 Black Push Button,

    You buy 7 pieces of Schneider ZB5 AW363 blue push button,

    You buy 7 pieces of Schneider ZB4 BW0B51 yellow LED,

    You buy 6 pieces of Schneider ZB4 BW7A3741 green/red push button,

    You buy 6 pieces of Schneider ZB4 BS64 red mushroom push button,

    You buy 4 pieces Schneider XB4 BVB5 Yellow Push Button,

    You buy 4 pieces FESTO SOLENOID VALVE MFH-5-1/4, all

    You buy 3 pieces of Schneider ZB5 AS55 yellow mushroom push button,

    You buy 15 pieces of Schneider ZB4 BA3 green push button,

    You buy 10 pieces Releco QR-C DC24V - Ice Cube Plus

    You buy 10 pieces Releco QR-C / AC230V - Ice Cube Plus

    you buy 10 pieces of ZBE-102C ONTACT BLOCK FITS XB4 XB5 Series Products

    You buy 10 pieces of Schneider ZB5 AW7A1724 push button,

    Yaskawa SGMGH-14A2A-YR12 Servo Motor, 1400 W, 1500 r/min, 8.9 N*m

    W?HRLE Anka Display Text Display ms2 ams2-240-09-13-00 NEW UNUSED VAT

    Wittenstein Alpha LP 070-M02-25-010-000 Gear Reducer, 25:1

    Wieland wkfn 2,5/35 Blue/56.703.0055.6/passage Clamp 94 Pieces/NEW/OVP

    Wieland wkfn 2,5/35 Blue/56.703.0055.6/passage Clamp 100 Pieces/NEW/OVP

    Wieland wkfn 2,5 D1/2/SL/35/Duo-protective conductor terminal 100 Pieces/New in ...

    Wieland 70.140.1053.4/ada.i.geh.bu.10wl/9 Piece New Incl VAT

    WENGLOR YH03PCT8 Laser fork sensor, new without box

    WENGLOR YH03PCT8 Laser fork sensor, new in box with manual and supplies

    Wenglor XN96VBH3 Retro-Reflex Sensor XN96VBH3 S868

    Wenglor sw983/Disposable light barriers/througt Beam Sensor/New Incl VAT

    Wenglor sensoric sd982/Optical Switch New Incl VAT

    Wenglor HD11PA3S740 Reflex Sensor New Without Box

    Wenglor HD11PA3S740 Reflex Sensor


    Weidmüller 50 piece protective conductor terminal ZPE 6 zpe6 1608670000 Groundin...

    Weidmüller 50 Piece passage Clamp WDU 10 wdu10 1020300000 Clamp NEW VAT

    Weidmüller 25 Piece zpe10 ZPE 10 174677000 0 PE Clamp Earthing Clamp NEW VAT

    Weidmüller 20 Pieces Cross Connector wqv 10/10 wqv10/10 1052460000 NEW VAT

    Weidmüller 10 Piece zdu35 ZDU 35 173962000 0 passage Clamp Clamp NEW VAT

    WAGO 852-111 5-port 10/100 Industrial Switch, very good condition

    WAGO 284-907/AWG 24-8/passage Clamp/25 PIECE NEW BNIB incl VAT

    WAGO 283-901/AWG 24-6/passage Clamp/20 Piece New Incl VAT

    WAGO 2006-1207/AWG 20-10/protective conductor terminal/50 Piece New Incl VAT

    Vintage Carl Zeiss Jena Illuminator Slide w/ FZ 9011V Electron Tube

    Vintage Carl Zeiss Jena Ikon Microscope Camera Attachment w/ KLIO Lens, 14732

    Vintage Carl Zeiss Jena 3X Microscope 90° Attachment, MF Projektiv K 5:1 & 4:1

    Videx LPR-000 LaserLite Pro/MX Recharger Base Station, Charging Dock

    Vegetable BALL VALVE + ACTUATOR 751 40D1137 51S015KE0/SC00150-6 F07F10-N-D-14 A

    Vegetable BALL VALVE + ACTUATOR 751 25d 137 51s006kg0/sc00060-6 f05f07-n-d-11ai

    VAT Vacuum Angle Valve 26432-KA41

    Variable speed drive inverter Lenze 8400 motec drive e 84 dgdvb E84DGDVB37142PS

    Two Valleylab E700181 bipolar forceps in sterile bag. Good. You buy two.

    Turck uprox NI40U-CP40-FDZ30X2/S10 Inductive Proximity Sensor

    Turck PDP-IOM88-0003 Fieldbus Components PDPIOM880003

    Turck ASI-IOM22-1000 Bus Stop Fieldbus Component ASIIOM22

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