





    ABB 3BSE022364R1
    发布者:weixuan006  发布时间:2024-05-17 10:51:12  访问次数:69

    8281053 ALCO short bellows for old Tunisia manifold
    8281054 ALCO short bellows for old Tunisia manifold
    8281067 ALCO manifold bracket, 12 cyl 
    8281295 ALCO S/S by 40055466
    8282111 EMD pipe socket
    8283045 EMD 567 sleeve, bushing, idler gear
    8283431 EMD taper dowel
    8283432 EMD taper dowel
    8280349 EMD switch, temp  w/flexible capillary tube, 6 ft  long
    8284665 EMD GP40 door latch
    8283936 EMD switch, temp  w/flexible capillary tube, 6 ft  long
    8284779 EMD 2 50" flex coupling assembly
    8287076 EMD terminal board
    8288093 EMD lube oil manifold end
    8288094 EMD manifold, centre
    8288247 EMD old # for 9316233
    8288248 EMD old # for 9316234
    8283943 EMD resistor assembly, 8 OHM, 400 AMP
    8288409 EMD old # for 9316232
    8288418 EMD dowel, locating
    8288525 EMD old # for 9316231
    8288955 EMD O-ring, lube oil system
    8289021 EMD "Y" - flanged
    8289031 EMD exhaust duct retaining ring
    8288044 EMD clevis
    8289044 EMD clevis
    8289113 EMD bolt, seal ring carrier, 3/8" x 7/8", 567/645
    8289127 EMD self-locking nut, high temperature, 3/8"-24, hex, plated
    8289171 EMD gasket, inlet pipe to aftercooler and engine outlet "Y"
    8289350 EMD tube assembly, turbo drain line
    8290124 EMD holder assembly, b*
    8290819 EMD nameplate
    8291183 EMD flex coupling
    8291326 EMD seal ring, exhaust, old # 8441777
    8291349 EMD gasket, hand hole cover
    8291952 EMD clapper bell
    8291953 EMD yoke bell clapper clevis
    8294269 CAT edge
    8294568 EMD gasket, sand control, valve to mounting bracket
    8294874 EMD O-ring seal, subshaft
    8295574 EMD exhaust diffuser
    8295836 EMD elbow assembly
    8296366-R EMD lube oil pump, scavanging, REMAN
    8296459-R EMD lube oil pump piston, cooling & pressure
    8296570 EMD switch
    8296748 EMD roller switch
    8297166 EMD piston, compression, std 
    8297957 EMD 1/4" valve, return, fuel, 60 Psig
    8298178 EMD roller switch
    8298206 EMD water pipe, head to head
    829824 EMD 645E piston pin
    8300011 EMD cover assembly
    8300013 EMD bottom maintenance cover for traction motor
    8300182 EMD washer
    8301769 EMD strap assembly
    8302385 EMD shim, air compressor
    8303195 EMD sleeve

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