





    ABB 3BSE066485R1
    发布者:weixuan006  发布时间:2024-05-17 10:42:42  访问次数:54

    499A924CCP8 GE safety valve
    499A929AFP4 GE brake hose
    499A93ABP4 GE pipe joint
    499A93BP1 GE cover
    499A933ABP4 GE pipe joint
    499A933BAP5 GE nut, pad to frame, maintenance relief valve
    4997086 EMD carbon b*, grid fan motor, 2 wafer, E44 grade
    5GDY32PA2-REM GE clutch gear
    5GE761A12 GE traction motor
    5GE761A15 GE traction motor
    5GE761A19 GE traction motor
    5GE761A23 GE traction motor
    5GE761A6 GE traction motor
    5GY27M1-1 GE nut
    50A1210P2 GE lamp shade
    501A222P5 GE switch cap
    501A232P1 GE support
    501129 CAT spider
    501234 CAT spider
    502A140P1 GE toggle switch
    5 021 201 1 Sulzer WOLA H6 & H13 engines, thrust bearing (pair)
    5 021 202 1 Sulzer WOLA H6 & H12 engines, main bearing (pair)
    5 022 201 1 Sulzer WOLA H6 & H12 engines, con rod bearing (pair)
    502365 WAB nut
    502465 WAB seal, vent protector
    502673 WAB screw
    502685 WAB pin
    505238 WAB pin
    506400 WAB ring, Neoprene, anti-rattling
    506957 WAB cup
    506975 WAB gasket
    508371 WAB gasket
    510069 WAB b* holder bolt
    510150 WAB carbon b* holder for auxiliary generator AG 2513
    510237 CAT spider
    510582 WAB end shield PE for TM 4603 BZ
    510585 WAB bearing cartridge CE
    510613 WAB carbon b* holder for TM 4603 BZ
    510716 WAB bearing, wiper PE
    510737 WAB pinion for TM 4603 BZ, 19 teeth
    510740 WAB outer brearing cap CE
    510752 WAB armature shaft for TM 4603 BE
    510876 WAB armature complete with fan, less bearing for AG 2501 AZM
    510908 WAB auxiliary generator AG 2513 AZM
    510909 WAB auxiliary generator AG 2501 AZM
    511110 CAT spider
    511677 WAB seal, EPDM, hollow rod
    511874 WAB gasket
    512509 WAB special hex head bolt, bearing cartridge CE to magnet frame
    513893 WAB lever
    514263 WAB hand spike
    514274 WAB bolt
    5145492 EMD pipe clip
    514577 WAB plug discharge valve
    514591 WAB gasket, side cover
    514593 WAB gasket, cover, housing
    514617 WAB bolt with nut for conrod assembly

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