





    ABB 3BSE076939R1
    发布者:weixuan006  发布时间:2024-05-17 10:40:51  访问次数:56

    41D731193G2 GE magnet frame mach 
    41D731241G1 GE coiled frame assembly
    41D731384G5 GE rewind kit, armature, 5GE761A19, 5GE761A23
    41D731488G1 GE inspection cover button
    41D731488G2 GE armature core
    41D731667P1 GE b* holder body
    41D731677G1G2 GE exciting field coil
    41D731748G2 GE armature core
    41D731748G5 GE armature assembly
    41D732185G14 GE longitudinal assembly
    41D732218G1 GE frame head
    41D732218P1 GE frame head
    41D732280G1 GE exciting coil
    41D732280G2 GE exciting coil
    41D732358P1 GE gear case, upper
    41D732359P1 GE gear case, upper
    41D732364G1 GE gear case
    41D732409P1 GE stator frame
    41D732410G1 GE stator assembly
    41D732422G5 GE longitudinal assembly
    41D732470G1 GE com  chamber
    41D732472P2 GE magnetic sect 
    41D732476G1 GE magnet frame
    41D732687G3 GE coil with pole piece exciting (close) for 5GE76123
    41D732687G4 GE coil with pole piece exciting (open) for 5GE76123
    41D735416P2 GE gear, 71 teeth
    41D735097P1 GE gear, 74 teeth
    41D735145P3 GE gear, 85 teeth
    41D735593P2 GE gear, 91 teeth
    41D735649P1 GE gear, 15 teeth
    41D735811P2 GE gear, 74 teeth
    41D735819P2 GE gear, 75 teeth
    41D735825P1 GE armature shaft, 16 teeth, for 5GEB13E motor
    41D735826P1 GE solid gear G/W, 87 teeth
    41D735826P2 GE bull gear, 87 teeth
    41D750051G1 GE arc chute
    41D750063G1 GE arc cover
    41D751880G2 GE base
    41D754914G4 GE resistance
    41D754914G5 GE resistance
    41D756226P1 GE arc chute, side
    41D756226P2 GE arc chute, side
    41D756227P1 GE arc, right side
    41D756227P2 GE arc, left side
    41D756227P3 GE plate
    41D756227P4 GE plate
    41D756403G1 GE door
    41D756403G3 GE door
    41D756421P1 GE arc chute side
    41D756430P1 GE bracket
    41D756431P1 GE plate
    41D756439G1 GE arcing horn
    41D756439G1-1 GE arcing horn
    41D756439P2 GE arcing horn
    41D757626G1 GE door
    41D757626G3 GE door
    41D757626G5 GE door

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