





    发布者:liu19870824  发布时间:2011-08-07 10:04:25  访问次数:51





    Electric Condensate Pumps

    FHS Condensate Pumps

    FHS pumps are small, low-priced condensate units for pumping water at temperatures up 200°F (93°C). Standard 3/16"-thick, black steel receivers are provided for years of reliable service. Units are floor-mounted and designed for up to 20,000-square-foot EDR and discharge pressures up to 20 psig (1.4 bar). Units are available in either simplex or duplex configurations with 3500-RPM, single-phase motors. Pumps are typically equipped with mechanical seals rated for temperatures up to 250°F (121°C). Seals for higher temperatures and special faces are available upon request.

    FHC Condensate Pumps

    These small, economical condensate units are for pumping water at temperatures up to 200°F (93°C). FHC pumps have standard cast iron receivers. Units are floor-mounted and designed for up to 20,000-square-foot EDR and discharge pressures up to 20 psig (1.4 bar). Units are available in either simplex or duplex configurations with 3500-RPM, single-phase motors. Pumps are typically equipped with industry-standard motors and with mechanical seals rated for temperatures up to 250°F (121°C). Seals for higher temperatures and special faces are available upon request.

    4100 Series Steel Condensate Pumps

    4100 Series Condensate Return Pumps set new standards of performance. Reliable and efficient, each unit features heavy gauge, 3/16" steel receivers for long operating life. In addition, 3450 RPM motors assure maximum efficiency while maintaining minimum motor horsepower. Available in a wide range of sizes, these U.S. made pumps have just the right accessories and options to meet your unique needs.

    4200 Series Cast Iron Condensate Pumps

    4200 Series Condensate Return Pumps set new standards of performance. Reliable and efficient, each unit features heavy-duty cast iron receivers for long operating life. In addition, 3450 RPM motors assure maximum efficiency while maintaining minimum motor horsepower. Available in a wide range of sizes, these U.S. made pumps have just the right accessories and options to meet your unique needs.

    4300 Series Stainless Steel Condensate Pumps

    4300 Series Condensate Return Pumps set new standards of performance. Reliable and efficient, each unit features heavy gauge, 3/16" stainless steel receivers for long operating life. In addition, 3450 RPM motors assure maximum efficiency while maintaining minimum motor horsepower. Available in a wide range of sizes, these U.S. made pumps have just the right accessories and options to meet your unique needs.

    3500 Series Condensate Pumps

    Heavy-Duty Condensation Pumps

    3700 Series Underground Condensate Units

    The 3700 Series has capacities from 2000 to 20,000 sq. ft. E.D.R., discharge pressure 20 or 30 psi.

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